Part 15

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Anxiety ran all over my body
I wanted to move to trun and run but it's like i was paralyzed
The memory of the incident came back into my mind and it was like i was living it again
I wanted to do something, to scream but all i was able to do is stare at the board of the car and try to memorise the numbers, perhaps if i inform the police they would be able to catch him
He must have noticed that i was doing that, his intense look became an angry one and he muttered something before directing the car in my way and trying to hit me
Luckily i was fast enough to move to one of the tight passages   but  i fell down
I got up with all the force that left in me
Turning back i saw that he got out of the car cursing
I didn't look back all i could do is running
People were looking at me, and strangely no one was making a move to help me
They all looked at me as if i was a daft woman
The villa was close to where i was
I saw okba's car, he was getting in
When he noticed me and ordered the driver to stop immediately
I ran his way and as soon as i reached him all i could do is grab his shirt and say the same thing over again
_"h he..... He is following me " i said hardly breathing still crying
_" who! ".
I turned around to see.......... no one
The road was empty
I pointed out with my finger very lost
_" he...... There ".
Okba was so confused
_" who?! Who is following you?, what happend? " he said grabbing my shoulders with his two hands
But all i could do was breaking down in tears again
_" what happend? Did someone hurt you ".
My cries got louder like those of a lost child and dropped down to the floor
He kneeled down taking me into his arms
_" tell me what happened! " he said confused while wiping my tears

_" he was following me " i said hardly
_" who! " he said agitated
_" the taxi guy i told you about ".

His eyes widened
_" where!? ".
_" nnn.. Near  th.. The store  ".
His jaw tightened and his eyes flashed pure anger he stood up and runned in the store 's direction struggling, his leg didn't heal completely and he still had difficulty  to walk, the driver followed him
_" sir!, he must have ran now, there is no use " he screamed out
Okba stopped instantly very agitated
_" that bastard!!!! " his hands on his head
He walked my way and helped me get in the car
Once beside the villa's door he opened the door helping me out
_" your leg! " he said pointing out
I looked down to see that my long skirt was ripped and the injury in my leg visible
It must have been from when i fell  earlier
The next moment and without saying more he carried me inside
He was trying to keep a tough face but it was clear that he had difficulties
_" it must hurt alot,  i can walk you Don't have to do this ".
He looked down at me giving me a comforting look
_" you are safe now ".

We were welcomed with samia's questioning looks
_" what did she do! "
Okba didn't respond and went directly to the stairs
_" why are you carrying her!?  , son your leg " she said following

Once in the room he disposed me in the bed
_" mother this is not the time please" he said taking her out
_"but..... "
He closed the door firmly and returned to me
Kneeling down facing me, his hands came in contact with my long skirt
And he raised it slightly before i reacted
_" no! " i said stopping him
He looked up
_" i want to see the injury..... It's okay, i am your husband " he said softly
I hesitated for a moment before allowing him do so
He grimaced when seeing the wound
_" i will be back don't move ". He said walking toward the bathroom

He got back with a pharmacy box
And went in with cleaning the injury

_" how did this happen? ".

_" he tried to hit me with his car and i fell when i tried to run ".

He stopped his movement and as he looked at me coldness ran down my spin
The  hate i saw in his eyes was that of a man who wanted to kill
He tightned his jaw and continued cleaning without saying a word but this time he was pressing the cotton firmly and his breathing getting heavier and heavier
_"ouch! "
My voice woke him up
And he looked up alarmed
_" i am sorry, but the fact that he tried to hurt you again....... I will kill him "
He said his jaw tightning

_" its done, relax now i will get you something to eat ".

_" i don't have the appetite, i just want go sleep ".

He nodded his head taking the box back to its place

_" mira! " ali knocked on the door
Okba let him, once inside he headed straight to my direction
_" what happened! My mother was talking weirdly " he said sitting beside me
_" i just fell and my leg hurt a little , it's not a big deal ".
_" i left you for five minutes and this happened? show me " he said trying to lift the bed sheets

Okba stopped him half away, he looked very annoyed
_" so you were with her, why did you even take her outside! " he said getting him up

_" my friend called and he needed help with his father's car, and we weren't that far from the house to begin with....... I am sorry " he said defending himself

_" and you, are you a child? How come you fall at this age grow up! " he said mocking me

_" oh oh says the boy who has a tidy bear in his room ".
_" ssshhhh " he covered my mouth laughing

_" enough! " we were startled by okba's voice
_" let her have a rest, let's get out ".

_" oh he is taking care of you huh" ali said winking

_" shut up  And move!... Mira change your clothes and if you need help i am near the door " said okba pushing him

Then i was left alone in the room

I stood up and walked to the closet's direction slightly struggling opening it the pack of pads fell
At that moment i remembered that my periods are late... Not a week not two but a month..............
_" it can't be........ Impossible ".


Hey guys
Thank you so much for all of you who voted for my story
I hope you liked this chapter
See you next time

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