Walking out of the building most associate with hell, Mark made his way to the park where he could easily make a short-cut to Jaemin's house. He frowned as a loud rustling sound came from the bush beside him. He was about to investigate when a large fluffy head stuck out from the bush.

Mark smiled at the bear-like dog, "Hey, buddy. Where's your owner?"

The dog barked in return and disappeared back into the bush. Mark assumed the dog at least got 'owner' out of his sentence and went back to said owner. He continued walking down the path the park provided until he'd turn off into the grass. He heard another rustle from the bush in front of him. He approached the bush thinking that the dog was there but he was pleasantly surprised.

"Hi, Mark." Haechan smiled up at the older from his position on the ground. He was currently nearly completely consumed by the bush, patting his hands on the soil and whistling.

"Oh, hey." Mark greeted, "What are you doing?"

Haechan groaned as he stood up from the bushes, "Jeno's bloody dog ran off and we're out here looking for him."

"Big grey looking bear thing?" Mark asked.

"That's him! You seen him?" Haechan questioned, his soft features glowing with relief.

Mark nodded. "About a minute ago back that way." He said, pointing behind him.

"Oh my god, thank you Mark." Haechan wrapped his arms around the older, "You have no idea how much my back hurts."

Mark's facial muscles relaxed into the softest smile as he enveloped the other in his embrace, "Glad to help."

Haechan pulled out of the hug, patting Mark's shoulders thankfully, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a dog to catch."

As Haechan started to run off in the other direction all Mark could hear in the back of his head was Lucas' damn voice telling him to just 'ask them then'. He anxiously bobbed on his toes and balled his fist as he watched the younger's bewildering retreating figure. Should he ask or just continue walking?

Before Haechan got too far away and after Mark built up the confidence he finally called, "Haechan!"

"Yeah?" Haechan answered, stopping and turning to face the other.

Mark gulped before continuing, "What are you doing this summer break?"

"Probably sleeping a lot and gaining weight, why?" The younger frowned.

Mark chuckled lightly at his reply. Before hesitating slightly, he answered, "How about you come with us to my family's lake house? It'll probably be just a few people."

Haechan smiled and Mark swore his whole heart bellowed like a bass drum.

The younger nodded, "Sure, sounds fun. Just text me the details later."

"Okay." Mark responded calmly, though his whole being felt paralysed with glee. He watched as Haechan turned back around and started running off again. He too turned around and continued walking, joy bubbling in his veins like fresh lemonade.

It was new this feeling... being accepted and not rejected for once. It didn't sting his heart like poison ivy, it didn't make his eyes prickle with tears. He could already tell his heart made the right choice this time.

Fuck Vanessa.


Haechan sighed with content as he wore his soft pyjamas, putting his wrinkled and filthy school uniform in the laundry basket. He flopped onto his even more comfortable bed with a soft thump. After wriggling his way into the pillows and blankets, he grabbed his phone from the bedside table. As if on cue, his phone vibrated with a text from Mark.

It was the information about the vacation to the lake house. It went as far as the address and date to the list of people that are and could be going. Mark even went as far as sending pictures of the rooms and lake. The older is so sweet it would make others feel sick, but to Haechan it made him feel cared for. Vanessa missed out on so much, she was so stupid to not at least care a little for Mark. If he knew Mark wasn't straight then he would have definitely fallen for him, but he learnt his lesson with straight guys from Kyungjae. He wasn't going to hurt himself like that again.

~Markhyuck chapptterrr

Mark is just a hopeless romantic who has a fear of rejection

and Haechan is just clueless and hurt :(

~Anyways, I hope you enjoyed

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