What, Weirdo

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I woke up, sun shining through the windows and reflecting off the mirror and my beautiful sleeping boyfriend in my arms. He shifted slightly and for some reason I held my breath. Then his eyes opened and he smiled.
"Morning" I smiled back and he turned around to face away from me and was no longer in my arms.
Well that hurt my feelings. I leaned over the edge of the bed and grabbed my phone. A few texts from my mom saying be safe & don't do anything stupid, a few from Sam saying use protection, along with other stupid shit and a few from Charlie saying have fun and something about a party.
Then suddenly someone was pinching my butt and I moved so quickly, pretty sure I made a girly noise but whatever. Cas obviously laughed and I frowned at him which made him laugh even louder.
"You touched my butt."
"It's my favorite thing to do baby."
"Yes." He said and got up and grabbed the bag.
He threw my clothes at my face and grabbed his and began to change. We both packed moderately warm. It's springish summer but it probably wasn't that warm today. He put on some pants, random shoes, a white button and a trench coat.
He put on a fucking trench coat, who the fuck does he think he is? And it was tan, what the fuck. I shook my head and got out of the bed. I put on my jeans and green button up then put my cowboy boots under them.
"Okay, why are you wearing a trench coat? I've been thinking about for a solid 3 minutes."
"I'm wearing it because it's chilly outside, and I get cold easily unlike you. You can just wear a long sleeve shirt and be fine, while me, I'll fucking freeze."
"Okay follow up question, where did you get a trench coat from?"
"A store Dean. Where you get clothes." He laughed and crossed his arms.
"Okay okay sorry."
"We should go home today." Cas said as he began to tidy up the room.
I walked over to him and picked him up by the waist.
"Why are you cleaning the room?" I asked him putting him back down and turning him to face me.
"Because, it's a force of habit."
"Well stop it weirdo. Come on, let's check out" I said and with that I grabbed the bag and we headed downstairs to check out.

Cas checked us out while I went outside to start the car so he could just get in and we'd be on the road. Soon enough Castiel got in the car and just stared at me.
"What? Weirdo"
"First of all, stop calling me that, second of all. You're cute."
"You're cute too." I leaned in to kiss him.
Then put the car in reverse and soon enough we were off.

I could wait to see what the future held with Novak and I.

Short. I know. But first chapter of 2019.
This book has been going on for 3 years and I'm proud yet sad to announce the last chapter will be the next chapter.
I'm so grateful that you all enjoyed it.
And if you want anything specific in the next chapter comment it and I'll try to incorporate it!!
Okay! Love you so much!! See ya in the next one!!

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