Oh are Gabriel and Sam fucking.

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After that bj sesh in the bathroom we got ourselves together and I went into Sam's room.
"Ga-"I started but in walked in on something I didn't want see so I walked right back out and into Deans room.
"What? Thought you were leaving."
"No. Can't. Sam-Gabe, oh no"
"Oh are Gabriel and Sam fucking?"
"Sure." I said sitting on his bed and he started laughing.
"I'll get him" he said taking my hand and walking back to Sam's room.
"Sammy are you two descent. Cassy is ready to go." He said and he got no answer so he opened the door.

Sam and Gabe were sitting there faces flushed and red and I giggled at the sight while Dean just flat out laughed.
"Stop sucking each others dicks so Gabriel can leave." Dean said laughing and I blushed at him as he closed the door back.
"Dean I can't believe you did that."
"Well I did so believe it Castiel."
"But like, you just embarrassed them so badly."
"I know and it's okay." he said and we sat on his bed before we pulled out our phones and laid down.
We laid there for about 15 more minutes before Sam and Gabe came out and into Dean's room.
"You ready to leave my house Gabriel?" Dean asked him and him and Sam both blushed but stayed silent.
"How was it?" Dean asked and I gasped hitting him in the arm.
"Dean stop teasing them, Gabe do you have your stuff together?" I asked him and he nodded and I got up.
"Bye Dean." 
"I'm walking you two to the door you know." he said putting his hand on my waist as we walked down the stairs.
"Oh look at the boyfriends."
"Can it, you just got caught in the act of sex." Dean retorted and Sam shut up quickly.
"Sam, Ignore him. He's just messing with you."
"I hope." Sam said as we approached the  door and Deans hand left the small of my back and went over to the door to open it. 
"Bye Novaks, don't come back please."
"Oh after today we'll definitely be back." I said not noticing what I just did and Gabriel elbowed me in the stomach so I slapped him and he walked to the car. 
"So see you tomorrow at school I guess cause there's not practice."
"Yeah, okay. Bye." I said turning around.
"Wait." Dean said grabbing my shoulder and I turned to face him.
He did the unexpected which was kiss me, and it caught me off guard at first but I kissed back.
"Bye Novak."
"Bye Winchester." I said before walking to my car which Gabriel was sitting in.

"So you and Dean?" he said as I started the car.
"We're not a thing." I told him as we pulled out of the drive way.
"Might wanna tell him that." 
"He knows."
"Maybe the hatred is going away."
"Because of?"
"All the sexual things you've been doing. It's bound to emotionally attach people unless you're just heartless." he said and I ignored his statement.

Surely Dean hates me, cause I hate him.

Boom, for you Em, you're welcome. And is this the introduction of real Destiel? Let me know what you think in the comments.
5 likes=next chapter guys so let's do this.

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