Why Is Little Novak Still Here?

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After Castiel left I went back up to my room and back to sleep so when I woke up it was around 3ish and I could hear voices from down the hall. I got up and opened Samsdoor to see him and Garbiel on the bed sitting criss cross applesauce.
"Why is little Novak still here?" I question and they gave a confused look.
"Wait Castiels not here?"
"No he left this morning."
"Then I'm staying forever. He would never do such a thing."
"You cannot stay here-"
"Yes he can Dean. Please let him." Sam pleaded and I just started at them.
"We have parent you know."
"Oh yeah. Never mind I'll leave sooner or later." Gabriel said and Sam whined.
"Sammy stop acting like a little bitch." I said walking back to my room.
"Takes one to know one!" He yelled and I rolled my eyes.
I need him gone. So I calk Castiel.

It rang a few times before someone answered.
"Novak you need to come get your brother before my brother kidnaps him."
"Um, I wanna know the story behind that, but for now okay. I'm on my way."
"Bye." I said and he said it back before hanging up.

So I just laid in my bed waiting on Castiel.

This is just a filler chapter I'm sorry.

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