Told You They Fucked

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We pulled up to the school, I was expecting those two to be in the front some where but they weren't so I shot Sammy a text.
'Dude we're here, let's go.'
I waited but got no reply so Cas and I just sat there in front of the school.
"Twenty bucks, I bet you they fucked." I said and Cas looked completely mortified.
"No, no, no, no!" He shouted and I laughed.
"You'll probably owe me twenty then."
"No I won't didn't shake on it." he said tilting his head.
"Oh so we're being technical? Shake on it then." I said and he shook his head.
"No thanks.
"Oh cause I'm right?"
"Shut up." he said and the car doors opened before we saw two familiar faces.
"Took y'all eighteen years, but hi." I said and I didn't get a reply so I looked at Cas smirking before looking back at those two.

"I said hi!"
"Hi Dean." Sammy said barely audible.
"Cas." I said turning around as he kept looking at them. "I told you the fucked." I finished my sentence before starting the car and Cas turning around so quick he could've gotten whiplash.
"No." he whispered and I laughed.
"Yes." I laughed and the car went silent for the entire ride.
That is until we were arriving at the Novak's.

"Are we in trouble?" Gabriel asked.
"So it happened!" Castiel yelled and I laughed even harder pulling up into their driveway.
"I called it Cas! You owe me 20" I fired back parking the car and looking back at the boys.
"How does it feel? I bet your ass hurts. Is your mouth sore. Wait, who was the bottom?" I asked quickly and Cas smacked in on the back of my head and I turned to face him.
"Simple questions I would like to know the answer to, sorry."
"Gabe, get in the house." Cas said handing him a set if keys and Gabirel didn't hesitate, if anything he ran into that house.
"Awe Cas, give him a break. They're curious." I said.
"Yeah and you two are fucking so it shouldn't really matter." Sam said and got out the car before I could process what he had said.
"Well, we ruined their lives."
"They're little kids Dean!" Cas yelled.
"Their like what 14-15 or something like that, calm down. You can't tell me that you weren't that age." I said as he sat there face burried in his legs.
"He's my little brother."
"Yeah, brother not kid. I bet tour brothers didn't over react like this did they?"
"No." He mumbled and I pocketed my keys.
"Well you shouldn't either, get your ass out my car." I said getting out and Cas followed.

I opened the door and was greeted by a familiar face. Oh shit.
Cas I hate your ass.

Sooooo yeah. Hi. I hope you enjoyed that.. Who do ya think it is. Its kinda obvious. But whatever. Okaym bye.

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