Date (Pt.1)

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Monday= Football practice.
Those two words I hate. Don't get me wrong I like the sport, I just don't like playing it. We were currently running plays to see how they work, and if they'll work.
"Cas over here!" Dean yelled and I stood where his foot was.
"Now when Garrett gets the ball you're gonna run right while Charlie runs left, and whichever of you two can run it for a touchdown he'll pass it to okay."
"Okay." I said quietly.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"Okay." He said before walking away and blowing his whistle signaling everyone to get set and ready to run the play.
Then he blew it again and the ball was being thrown so I ran & so did Charlie, Garrett caught it and passed it to her and she ran it down to make a touch down.
Dean had said that was the last play of the day, then a whistle could be heard. We all walked to the sideline for Dean to give his end of practice speech and us leave.
"Good practice guys. I'm confident that we'll win this Friday. Just remember catch, run, and pass and we'll be fine."
Then all the football players make weird whoo whoo noises that I never do and then we leave.

I was packing my bag in the locker room last to leave like always after I take a shower. I had my towel wrapped around my waist and was about to put my clothes on when I heard a bang on a locker. I jumped and turned around to see Dean smiling at me.
"Ready for tonight?"
"Yes actually."
"Wear something cute, but easy to rip off." He winked at me and I rolled my eyes.
He walked closer to me and I continued what I was doing but was biting my lip in the process.

He came up behind me wrapping his hands around my waist making me shiver from the skin to skin contact. He kissed my shoulder then went up my neck, probably fighting back leaving hickeys. Then his left hand left my body and was placed on my face to make me look at him and he kissed me.
"See you later." He smiled stepping back.
"Later." I smiled back.
Then I could here the locker room door close, and I got dressed before getting my back and walking out to my car.

I got home and laid on my bed then peered down at my alarm clock which read 5:23. I should probably start getting ready. I already had my outfit planned and everything. Yet I didn't get up, if anything I felt my eyelids grow heavier and heavier till they just closed....I felt movement, someone was shaking me and I slowly opened my eyes to see Gabriel.
"It's 6:30 thought I'd wake you up for your date." He smiled and I gave him a tired smile back.
"Thanks Gabe."
"No problem. Moms also on her way in." He said before getting off my bed and leaving.
I sat up and stretch my arms out before rubbing my eyes and then seeing my mom in the door frame, scaring my half to death.
"Mom don't do that." I groaned getting up.
"I'm sorry, bad timing really. Where are you going for your date?"
"I don't know yet, it's a surprise."
"Well I hope you have fun. Don't be back late it's a school night."
"I won't mom." I said getting out of my bed and she smiled before walking away.

I took a quick shower before walking to my closet. I decided to wear a white button up paired with some black skinny jeans. My clock read 6:53, it's almost time and I'm honestly pretty nervous. Where was Dean taking me? How far is it? Will I have fun? When will I get back? Why?- my thoughts where interrupted by a doorbell. I walked out my door and stood at the top of there stairs where I could see the door and my mom opened it revealing a semi dressed up Dean. He smiled and greeted her, I inhaled before walking down the steps. My heart was beginning to race as I neared the bottom. Dean just smiled at me and I smiled back.
"What's the curfew Mrs.Novak?"
"Midnight. Be good and have fun." My mom smiled at me and I grinned back and her.
Dean placed his hand on the small of my back and walked me out to the passenger side of his Impala. He opened the door and I got in and let out the breath I'd inhaled before walking down the stairs.  Dean got in and started his car up and backed out of my driveway. I was nervous and I wasn't sure why. Like this boy, I don't hate as much anymore is taking me out on a date.
"Whatcha thinking about over there?" He asked me placing his hand on my thigh.
"Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise Cas, you'll like it though."
"No I won't."
"Shut the fuck up. Yes you will." He smirked and squeezed my thigh.
"Sure whatever." I said relaxing in my seat.

I looked out the window and just watched the buildings and trees go by, then that just ended up being trees. Where was this boy taking me? My thoughts faded away as I just listened to the music in the car and let my eyelids fall. Man I sleep a lot. My body was being nudged and I knew it was Dean.
"Wakey wakey." He said and I opened my eyes.
It was beautiful. I got out of the car and just looked around.
Wow, was all I could think.

Oof cliffhanger. Time to wait 2 months before I update again, jk, sorry for that though. Okay bye.

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