Gay Games and Dances pt.2

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(Recap in Cas's POV)
He hit my ass on his way out my room.
"Remember what I said to do!" I yelled.
"Okay, love you bye!" He yelled back and I could hear his footsteps going down the stairs, then the sound of the door closing.

I stood in silence, this boy had just told me he loved me.


There was 15 minutes until Honecoming started and Cas still wasn't here, my mom was running around like a spaz.
"Mom can you please just sit down for a second."
"Where is Castiel?"
"Mom he'll be here soon." I ensure her and with the doorbell rang.
I walked over and there stood Cas smiling.
"Bout time you show, my moms going crazy for no reason."
"Oh." He said walking in.
"Oh finally! I want pictures, hundreds to share on Facebook!" She chanted and I laughed.
"Okay mom." I smiled at her.

She forced Cas and I against the brick wall in our house. I was wearing a white tux and Cas was too. We looked good, we looked like "snacks" as some would say.
I eventually told mom we'd taken enough pictures.
"Mom the dance has started and we're still here."
"Okay Okay, I'm sorry. You two go!" She said shooing us out the house.

I took the keys to my impala out my pocket and unlocked the car, I opened the door for Cas and he got in, then i went to my side and got in and started the car up.
I backed up from the driveway and headed towards the school.
"Dean..." Cas basically whispered.
"Yeah?" I said keeping my eyes on the road.
"Earlier...when you left you said..." he trailed off, what had I said?
"You said you loved me, and it's probably not as big of a deal as I'm making it but-"
"Cas I meant what I said. There's no need to worry." I gave him a quick reassuring glance.
"I feel like it was forced."
"It definitely wasn't. I hadn't even realized I'd said it until I walked into my house honestly. When we were on the phone I was gonna mention it. But it felt so right saying so I didn't dare say anything about it." I said as we arrived at the school & I found a parking spot.
"Oh. Well now I feel kinda silly talking about it." He said as I parked the car.
I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned to face him.
"Castiel, don't feel silly, I meant it when I said I love you. Because even though we've been through so much, and a lot of fights and hatred here we are. Something so hateful & sexual turned into this. Turned into pure love." I said cupping his cheek in my hand as he leaned into it.
He placed his hand on mine and we just looked into each other's eyes, his piercing blue ones into my forest green ones. This was pure bliss.
"I love you too." He smiled at me, and I don't think I've ever smiled so hard and big at anyone or anything.
I leaned in and kissed him.
"We should get inside." He pulled away.
"You're right."
"This time I got my own door." He smirked at me.
Sorry for proving chivalry isn't dead Cas.
I turned my car off and locked it, tucking my keys into the inside pocket of my jacket. I walked closer to Cas and took his hand and he looked at me.
"What? I can't show my boyfriend off?"
"I never agreed to that?"
"Well Novak, you said you loved me back and that was good enough for me. But...would you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?"
"Of course."
"Now I can show my boyfriend off."
"That you can do." He laughed as we walked through the doors, handing the treasurer our tickets.

Our dance theme was 'The Great Gatsby' and so many people were dressed up and looked cool and what not.
Cas and I had shared a few dances, found some friends, danced some more, drank juice(I think was spiked) and ate little finger foods. It was a good night. Then cane king and queen.

"Hello! Attention everyone I'd like to begin the crowning if king and queen." The principle said.
"Will our contestants please come up, for the Kings we have Dean Winchester, Christopher Woodlock, Adam Adams, and Castiel Novak." I looked and Cas and he looked at me.
At our school you didn't campaign ands run, people out you in a ballot then vote on the spot via phones.
"For our queens we have Charlie Bradbury,  Genevieve Padelecki, Danneel Harris, and Sarah Ross."
We were all on the stage, the girls freaking out while us guys were pretty calm for the most part."
"Okay, voting is online. Go to our schools website and it's the first link from the top. You get one vote for king and queen so make it count!"

"I hate this." Cas said to me.
"Honestly, me too babe."
Then our conversation was over and we patiently waited for everyone to finish voting.
And when the time finally fucking came there was a drumroll, like a literal drumroll.
"Homecoming king is.....Dean Winchester!" She said and there was cheering and some booing and Cas pushed me to go and accept my crown.
"Homecoming queen is.....Sara Ross!" Once again there was clapping and screaming.
We got crowned and were told to say a few words.
"I just wanted to say thanks! I'm new here and you guys made me feel as if I've been here for a while. Thanks for this!" Sara smiled.
"Um..hi. Thanks I guess." I said and that was that.
Just kidding, we had a honorary king and queen dance. I looked at Cas begging for him save me, but instead he gave me a fucking thumbs up. I looked at Sara as the music began to play, don't even ask what sing it was because I have no clue. She just started at me before smiling and shaking her head.
"How odd, the gay captain of the football team is dancing with me."
"I don't see the problem? We were both crowded."
"I just think it's ironic since my best friend wanted this."
"I bet it's Charlie isn't it?"
"You're smart sometimes. But even though she didn't get this she's gonna get something."
"What are you talking about?" I asked her and it happened.
A screen came down, the music stopped and a video was being projected. It was her and Charlie in a room, Char being oblivious to the camera.
"Stop the video! Take it down! Charlie screamed and I ran over to her.
"What is this?"
"Something that was suppose to be private." She began to cry.

""What's up with you and Dean?" Sara asked and Charlie laughed while she did her makeup.
"Not much, just me apparently being slight psychotic according to students. I just feel like if I'm with him then I wont feel the way I feel." She said moving the brush around with her words.
"Huh?" Sara asked as she sat on the bed.
"Like a lesbian. I get there's nothing wrong with being gay, I'm all for it. I just don't want to be that. So maybe being with him can like change my perception." Charlie looked back at Sara before returning to the mirror.
"Possibly. But try to be less crazy about it okay." Sara laughed before going back up to her phone and stopping the video.

The lights came back on and the music resumed where it had stopped. I took Charlie by her hand and pulled her into the nearest hallways before anyone could look for her.
"Oh shut up. I'm not proud."
"You need to go out there and own it."
"What!" She yelled at me.
"I'll do it too...if you want to."
"Pinky." I smiled holding out my pinky and she wrapped her around mine.
We walked back out there, music had been stopped and Charlie and I walked on the stage.
"Hey school, peers, people I don't really like, I've tried, they're nice but I'm not into guys." (If you know what song that's from ily)
"And I'm into both." I chimed in and she smiled at me.
"Matter of fact my boyfriend Castiel is down there somewhere. Yeah, I'm in a cute, loving, and committed relationship."
"Y'all are cute. Okay bye." Charlie said pulling me off stage and yelling at the DJ to hit the music.
To say the least our principle was in shock, Sara had left, and Cas ran up to me but a big toothy grin. His blue eyes full of life and joy, he pulled me in for a kiss and it was great.

The dance, was very gay to say the least.

I'm part of the lgbt community and it's cool seeing all these rainbows wherever I go.
I'm not uneducated I promise.
Anyways I hope you like this chapter, and fucking hate Sara.
I actually am almost done with this book sadly. But give me ideas for upcoming chapters!
Question of the chapter: Are you on Summer Vacation?        I am.

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