I Just Wanna Fucking Feel

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Last day of school had came and went, I had college letters and packages stacked on my dresser. Dean was suppose to be coming over so we could open them together. Dean and I both made good grades, I mean...believe it or not Dean is the Salutatorian of our senior class. We applied to a few of the same colleges, some on accident and some on purpose.
I wonder if we'll go to the same one, I wonder how long we'll be together, I wonder-
"Hey baby!" Dean chimes walking into my room.
"Hey babe." I smiled at him as he tackled me into a hug.
"I missed you!!" He planted kisses all over my face.
"We saw each other yesterday."
"I know but still. I love you."
I'm never gonna get use to him saying that to me, like ever.
"Let's open our things from the colleges please." I said and his smile kinda fell.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing." I looked at him and tilted my head slightly left.
He mimicked my actions and took my hands in his.
"Cas, what's going through your head?"
"Dean, I said nothing." I took my hands from his and he dug in his pocket.
"Penny for you thought?"  He questioned.
I took the penny from his hand and sighed.
"I'm never gonna get use to this. Me and you, being a couple. All the i love you's and stuff." I admitted and he sighed too.
"Cas, we're in this together. I'm not leaving you, and you're not gonna leave me. You're gonna get use to it I promise you. But in the mean time, let's look at our college applications." He smiled at me at the end and I gave him a faint smile back.

After what was hours of opening packages Dean and I had both been accepted to Kansas  State and Missouri State colleges. I was pretty proud of us honestly. There was really nothing we couldn't do.
I laid down in my bed and Dean laid next to me on his stomach and just stared at me.
"The fuck are you looking at?"
"Your face." He chuckled.
"Because it's pretty." He smiled at I just rolled my eyes and laid my head down.

I closed my eyes and just relaxed in the silence of my home with my boyfriend. But that soon changed when I felt my pants being tampered with. I kept my eyes shut and just went with what he was doing. Down went my jeans and boxers in one move. I started to get really turned on, I didn't wanna open my eyes, I just wanted to feel. I felt his lips wrap around the tip of my cock before circling his tongue around it. I bit my lip to suppress my moans. I felt his mouth travel down my length feeling nothing but warmness. I let out a little moan and he began to move quicker.
Dean knew how to turn me on and make me cum fast like the back of his hand. He knows how to touch me, where to touch me, how to get me to moan so loudly he has to shut me up.
He just knows what he's doing when it comes to me.
I felt myself getting ready to cum. And I could tell he knew.
He hummed sending vibrations down my cock. I moaned loudly and i could feel him hollow his cheeks out. I reached down to take his hair in my hand and push his head down.
I felt my cock touch the back of his throat and him moan giving me tremendous pleasure. He came back up making a 'pop' sound with his mouth before his hand took over. I arched my back as his hand moved quickly up and down my shaft.
"Baby open your eyes and look at me." Dean said, but I couldn't force myself.
"I'll stop, and I know you don't want me to." He threatened and I forced eyes to open and look down at him.
"Fuck you."
"I mean, if you want to..." he smirked then licked the tip of my cock
"Dean..." I let out a low moan.
"Cum for me baby." He practically growled.
And that was it, I came on his face and just smirked.

"That was fun." Dean said getting up and wiping his face with a shirt.
"Because you how to make things fun." I said pulling my jeans back up.
"You're not fucking wrong baby." I laid back down.
"Why do you always call me baby?"
"Because you're my baby."
"I'm older than you though." I stated as he laid down next to me.
"So, you're still my baby." He laid his head on my chest and I just ran my fingers through his hair.
"Okay fine." I gave in.
Then that's just how we stayed. Talking about random topics that didn't mean anything, and what the future has for us because we are fucking graduating  in 5 days.

And I'm not fucking ready.

Hi hoes!!!
I hope y'all know I appreciate every single person that reads this book. And I say this way to much but it is coming to an end.
Anyways, I need ending ideas, like I have a few of my own but I don't know how to get it there.
I have a general idea of how I want this book to finally end, hints the name of the book & the cover picture there's gonna be a lot of sex. But I don't have a Poot.
I mean, who watches porn for the sex?? (Haha I'm a fucking loser)
Anyways if you have any ideas lmk.

Question:who's your favorite on the show & should I do a character Q&A?
Answer:Mine is Castiel #srrynotsrry


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