Help is what you need.

Start from the beginning

With time passing thinking whats there best plan to get both of them back.
Not knowing what exactly to do or where exactly they're at.
They don't want to involve the police since that will only make time slower.
(A/n I'm not really saying the police take their sweet time but that each case comes at its own pace.)

(Y/n's PoV)
I finally had woken up but I only woken up to darkness.
"Oh my gosh Taehyung..I-I was so worried that I-"
I felt warmth touched my tied up hands.
"Shh shh its okay..What we need to do is figure out where we're at and what we can do to try to escape."
"Of course."
"Okay I'm going to untie your hands than you'll untie mine."
After some time we both were finally free.
It appears that the room itself was only dark since its nightfall.
"Taehyung do you see anything useful to get us out of here?"
"Not really do you?"
"I would quit looking around if I were you."
Taehyung pulls me behind him as we watched Mr. Choi make his way towards us.
"It seems you've untied yourself and that your looking for a way to escape."
"Why state the obvious when you can clearly see that's exactly what were doing."
"Tch well don't you have a smart mouth."
I wasn't scared of my mother or Mr. Choi but I am scared of what they'll do to Taehyung if I don't follow my mothers orders.
With a bit of courage I spoke up.
"What do you want from us?"
"Oh that's easy and even you know the answer to that one Y/n. We want you to break up with your boyfriend here and leave with us to America so you can be wedded off to the man of your mothers choice.
"Well I don't want to marry some random stranger and I will never break up with Taehyung."
"Sorry my daughter but you will if you like it or not and besides your fiancé is here to meet you at last."
Fear is what has taken over me. I'm not feeling so well about this because not only is my mother still forcing this but the fact that this man seems to be in his mid 50's.

(Taehyung's PoV)
This is absolutely sick. How can her mother be okay with this? This man is around his 50's and she want her daughter to marry him!?"
I'll make sure that never happens to Y/n. I'll be sure that the only person Y/n marries is me. Y/n I swear that I'll get us out of here.
"Over my dead body will Y/n marry that man!"
"Oh well aren't you a brave fellow but this marriage is for her own good. You see this will help my company grow but it'll also teach her a lesson since that daughter of mine is a snake."
"Oh please the only snake here are you three and that's final."
"Mother I think you need help."
"Help? Help! Ooooh how you make me laugh. I don't need help as I am a perfectly healthy human being."
"Mother it doesn't have to be like this. Just let us go."
"Let you go? Go!? No your not going anywhere!"
From there I'm sure Y/n saw it to but she had this crazy look in her eyes as if she's some sort of ticking time bomb ready to burst.
There are no words left to be said as it's truly hard to convince this woman.
Within seconda out of the blue not only did the guards come in but so did our friends?!
How did they know we were here?
I looked down to Y/n who just as confused like I was.
Not only that but so did the police?!
Soon the guards where taken away one by one.
"I'm not going to prison without my money! Now hand it over woman!"
"Woman? I am you boss"
Mr. Choi raised the gun aiming at Ms. L/n but as soon as he fired was Y/n who was shot instead.
"Y/N!!!!" With everyone having their attention on her suddenly Y/n's mom went crazy.
Soon the police arrested both Ms. L/n and Mr. Choi.
With the ambulance soon arriving they helped out Y/n who luckily was shot on the shoulder.
I followed Y/n into the ambulance while everyone else rode in the police cars.
"How can you smile Y/n?"
"Because I'm with you."
"Heh and I thought I was real cheesy."
We laughed for awhile until we fell into silence. Holding her hand I'm sure glad that this is over.
Arriving at the hospital Y/n finally got the help she needed by taking the bullet out and stitching up her injured wound.
"Huh to think we're back at the hospital were we became friends."
"Yeah and without asking I didn't need to know your answer to our promise."
"You still remember our promise!"
"Of course I would. It's the first interaction we had and our first step as friends."
"Well aren't you just full of surprises Kim Taehyung."
"Well why wouldn't I be."
Y/n was discharged the same day and we all headed to my house that I share with the boys.

(3rd Person Pov)
As they were heading out the hospital a police officer had stopped them and had asked if Y/n would like to press charges on everyone.
"Yes. Everyone except for my mother F/n, L /n."
"Very well."
"Why did you do that."
"Because what my mother needs is help as you have witnessed earlier today when she went a little crazy...she has Histronic Personality Disorder."
Everyone fell in silence not that Y/n had minded it is what it is.
After relaxing together after a long night everyone watched as the sun rose.
"Everyone I just wanted to thank you for being my friend and for still helping me out til this day."
"It no problem Y/n."
"Yeah Y/n what are friends for."
"No matter what friends help friends out."
"Even if it means going through something thia crazy and hectic."
"Doing this for a friend is something that should be done right?"
"Yeah. Exactly I believe we're the only kind of friends who would go through this much."
"We're like family so being helpful is something we're suppose to be doing."
(A/n I kinda got lazy and just put 7 different responses so you decide who fits best for each reply.)
"Aweee guys how did I get so lucky with friends and a boyfriend like you."
"Hey but how did you guys know where to find Y/n and I?"
"Oooh Yoongi traced the phone that called Mr. L/n and called the cops to that location while the rest of us headed over there with a friend of Mr. L/n who works among the police force."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah it wasn't that hard to actually find your location since Ms. L/n used her real phone and not a a burner phone to make negotiations which failed dramatically."
Soon little by litlle everyone was falling asleep in the living room. Y/n in Taehyung's arms on one couch and Y/n' father on the other couch. While the rest of the boys headed into their rooms and Norma heading back to her place with her parents.
All so sleepy after that long night they might as and sleel for the entire day.
But Taehyung has one surprise left for Y/n....
Well this chapter is quite long and I hope you enjoyed it. But there is one more thing before that needs to happen before I end this story with a beautiful but probably cringey ending. Anywho I'm sorry if you think the chapter with the mother seems rushed but it is what it is. Comment a hi or whatever as a sign that you read my story. Also if I have not mentioned it but this is my very first story and I want to let you know that this feels easy but hard at the same time but thank you again for sticking with me til the end. Also if you would like a spin off go ahead and comment or if you feel uncomfortable you can privately message me on my account. Thank you again and stay healthy and safe my fellow readers~

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