Acknowledgements & Thanks

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Thank you to the many people who made this book better: the encouragement and feedback of my terrific CP, Peggy, fabulous proof and beta-readers Sean (aka Captain Grammar Pants), Chassily, Marissa, Theresa McHarney, and Brynn. Extra-big hugs to my patient and supportive in-house editor, Lawson, and keen-eyed reader Ginger.

For an absolutely gorgeous cover, huge thanks to Kim Killion at Hot Damn Designs. And for the inspiration to move forward, ongoing gratitude to all the indie and self-publishing advocates out there.

 Resources used include: Katharine M. Briggs, An encyclopedia of fairies: Hobgoblins, brownies, bogies, and other supernatural creatures: and Faeries by Froud, Larkin, and Lee

 Jennet and Tam’s adventures in the Bright Court were partially inspired by the fairy tale of Childe Rowland. Special thanks to The Baldwin Project for their fine version of the text.

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