Chapter Thirty

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Jennet waited for Marny outside the science room door after third bell. The jar of faerie ointment was tucked in her satchel, practically vibrating with importance. She hadn’t been joking when she told Tam this was going to be the hardest part. She’d rather face a dozen more fiery-eyed creatures than try to apply the faerie ointment to Marny.

Too bad it had to be put on the eyelids. She’d thought of mixing it with eye-shadow and giving Marny a make-over, but that was so not the big girl’s style. And explaining? Marny wouldn’t believe them, and then she’d be far too wary.

Jennet curled her fingers into her palms and scanned the passing students. It would have to be plan B, and she’d only get one chance to make this work. She spotted Marny, walking behind a clump of noisy seniors. Jennet waited for them to pass, then stepped out and grabbed her friend’s arm.

“Hey, Jennet,” Marny said, sounding surprised. “What are you doing?”

“Ahh, my stomach,” Jennet gasped, hunching over. “Help me to the bathroom. Please.”

Marny slung an arm around her, supporting her. “Don’t you think you ought to go to the nurse?”

Maybe she was overdoing it. Jennet straightened up a little. “No - it’s only, uh, cramps. I just need a hand getting down the hall.”

Marny raised her eyebrows, but helped guide Jennet to the girl’s bathroom at the end of the corridor. Once inside, Jennet leaned against the wall and opened her satchel.

“Could you get me a drink of water?” she asked, handing Marny her water bottle. “I’ve got some pain meds in here that will help.”

Marny took the bottle and turned away. While she was at the sink, Jennet surreptitiously opened the jar of faerie ointment and dipped her finger in.

“Here.” Marny returned and held out the water.

“Great.” Jennet gave her a weak smile. “Hey, what’s that by your eye?”

“What?” The other girl rubbed her hand over her face. “Which eye?”

“Close your eye and let me get it.”

When Marny obediently leaned forward, Jennet took her ointmented finger and swiped it across her friend’s left eyelid.

“Hey!” Marny leaped back. “What the hell? It’s all greasy - what’d you do that for?”

“Let me do your other eye, too,” Jennet said. “And then I’ll explain.”

Marny scowled and shook her head. “I don’t think so, Fancy-girl. How about you just explain.”

She pulled a handful of paper towels out of the dispenser and rubbed her eye.

“Wait - don’t rub it all off!”

“You’re insane.” Marny crumpled the towels and threw them in the trash. “Now, talk.”

Jennet pressed her lips together. Had she put enough on? Would the ointment work on only one eye, or did it have to be both?

“It’s about Roy Lassiter - ”

“I knew it.” Marny crossed her arms. “This is some Viewer prank of yours, isn’t it? Tell me, does my eye turn all black in a few minutes? Maybe red dye starts running down my face? Nice try, Jennet. You and your weak tricks.” She made a simpering face, and pitched her voice high. “Oh, help me to the bathroom, oh I’m feeling sick. Pfft. Stay away from me, rich girl.”

She pushed past Jennet’s outstretched hand and stalked out.

“Marny! Wait…”

Great. That had gone tweaked, and Jennet hadn’t even explained what the ointment was for. With a deep sigh, she screwed the lid of the jar closed. The next bell blared through the bathroom, a harsh, metallic sound like the caw of an iron raven.

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