"Miyuki... I saw Cameron on the way in..... By the look of that handprint around her neck I'd say that her throat is damaged witch means she'll have trouble breathing.... Know anything about that?" Ares asks then raises his eyes to meet Miyuki's.

The look of pure malice on Ares's face was strong enough to send a shiver of fear through Miyuki's body and caused him to drop his guard. In that instant, Ares thrusts his head forward and headbutts Miyuki causing him to stumble back. Miyuki quickly regains his balance and notices that Ares hasn't moved from his spot but still has has the same expression. Miyuki waits a couple of seconds before he refocuses himself and rushes after Ares. Miyuki gets in close proximity and tries to grab Ares but is shocked by what occurred before his eyes. Ares performed a quick step forward in the midst of Miyuki's rush and grabbed him by the throat with his left hand stopping Miyuki cold in his tracks. Once Miyuki grasped the situation he grabs Ares's arm with both hands, jumps up, wraps his legs around Ares's head, brings Ares down to the ground with his weight and forms a triangle choke.

"Whoa... That was crazy." Gash

"He has that triangle choke locked in pretty tight. Should we help him captain?" Arthur

"Don't waste your time. There must be something wrong with Miyuki if he decided to go into a grapple hold. If there's one thing that you absolutely must never do when fighting against Ares... Is start a grapple war." Cole says just before Ares effortlessly picks Miyuki up off the ground with the hold still in tact and slams him through a table.

Miyuki loosens his grip and struggles to stay conscious from that impact. Ares decides to puck hkm up in the same manor once more, move to the table adjacent and slams Miyuki through it. Not a moment later does Miyuki cough up blood and becomes unconscious.

"....... Oh...." Arthur

Afterwards everyone that was injured from Miyuki's rampage was taken to the hospital facility along with Miyuki who is in the heavy containment room. Hearing about the incident, Tenna, Tyriel, Rika, Donte, Able, Joshua all meet in a room just down the hall from Miyuki's along with Charlette and Brent. The pilots walk in the room in an orderly fashion with Doctor Lita leading the group. Charlette grabs Lok by his hand, wraps her arms around him and presses her body against his by hugging Lok from behind.

"How are they?" Tyriel

"Well, Cameron's throat is severely damaged and will have to breathe through a tube through her chest until the healing gel takes full effect. As for Miyuki, a certain someone broke his left shoulder, a couple of ribs and caused some internal bleeding. All in all an easy procedure so they'll live" Lita

Ares remains quiet as he leans his back against the wall with his arms crossed.

"What about you?" Tenna asks Ares.

"..... It's cool. I got it." Ares

"Is someone gonna explain what the hell is going on? What the hell is wrong with Miyuki?" Cole

There is a silence in the room until Tenna decides to break it.

"Better start from the beginning then.... This goes back to when we first met him. Back when Ares was the only mobile suit pilot that we had actually. We were testing out a new prototype mobile suit in Mercury's orbit when we suddenly picked up a faint distress call coming from Mercury's service." Tenna

"Mercury? As in way to close to the sun? Gnarly." Gash

"How were you even able to operate in that heat?" Charlette

"The Cloud 9 can generate a large safe area. We can thank Tasca for that one." Rika

"There was one problem though.... The red cloud was closing in." Tyriel

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