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"Wake the fuckup people!" Alice yelled out her arms thrown in the air with a wicked smile on her face.

The only response she got was mutiple groans of unsatisfaction, as they lazily rose from the ground.

Yang lazily rubbed her eyes yawning before she whined. "Why have you forsaken me?"

All she got was a hum from the wolf as she looked around her not paying attention to the group of angry people.

Alice started to leave waving her hand over her shoulder saying a quick bye knowing what will happen if she stays for to long.

The group looked at her with one shared thought 'damn she left.' They started to pack up before loading it in the truck and leave after Alice who layed on her motorcycle.

The movement from the truck across the ground alerted her that they were coming over to her. She sat up on the side of the road a waiting the group. After a couple of seconds they drove pass her and she followed after she smile never leaving face.

Sorry for not posting for a long time and the short chapter but I lost interest in writing for a long time and I just got in the grove again so I may be posting every Friday or everyother Friday.
Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed

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