The Truth

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Alice woke to the 'wonderful ' sound of Yang's screeching. Alice eyes shot opened and looked around to see that Yang has jump up and back 5 feet with a blush on her face. Alice failed at trying to hold in a laugh.

"WHY?!" Yang screeched In the distance you could hear an animal whining at the noise.

"You looked so cold and cuddle, my little cuddle cat." Alice said joking around with Yang and once again Yang's blush intensified and Alice laughed harder.

"S-Shut up." Yang said looking away and at that moment Alice died from the amount of adorableness. (Iz had died.). Yang had a innocent look still with a light blush.

"The kitty has killed the wolf." Alice said covering her heart (If she had one.) with her hand and falling flat on the ground making an oh so convincing dead sound. "Bleh." (So convening Alice.).

Yang was in complete silence until Alice tackled the lion to the ground and rubbed her lion ears making Yang purr.

"Looky here a Kitty and a Puppy." A man said as he emerged from the forest. The man was 1 inch shorter that Alice he had brown hair and bear ears he wore thorn pants and a short sleeve shirt and white shoes.

"Says the Cub." Alice said standing up and removing her jacket and tossing it to the ground showing her gray undershirt, scars, muscles and tattoos.

"Name's Koda, Pup." The bear man said to Alice with a smirk.(How to make Alice tick 101)

"My name is Alice and the Kitty over their is named Yang." Alice said with a growl staring Koda down.

Koda and Alice stared each other down neither looking away, Yang's just staring at the two of them wondering what the fuck is happening right now.

"What the fuck are you two doing?!" A voice yelled at them and Yang was just happy someone said something.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU??!!!" Alice and Koda yelled in sync.

Two more people left walked next to Yang one on the left and one on her right. The one on the left had dark brown hair with white streaks on her back there are eagle wings, she wore a black tank top, grey skinny jeans and brown boots, she had green blue eyes and had a scowl on her face (They done pissed off the biddy.)

The one on the right had black and sliver hair, fox ears and tail, she had amber eyes, she wore a green shirt, grey jean shorts and blue tennis shoes.

"Well I'm Jessie and the fox is Destiny." The bird said pointing at the fox. 

"What are you two doing?" Destiny said pointing two fingers at Alice and Koda.

"Territoryyyyy!!" Alice said lifting up a finger after saying that.

"We have been her for 1 have been here one damn day Alice." Yang stated making Alice close her mouth and close her eyes.

"I guest you're right." Alice said turning towards Koda and putting her hand out.(How did that resolve anything?). "Anyway nice to meet you Koda sorry about before." Alice said scratching the back of her head.

"HOW THE HELL DID YOU TWO RESOLVE THAT?!!!" Jessie yelled/asked the two of them they struggled in response earning 3 face palms from the girls.

After that Alice started to walked to the road and walk back to the previous town they past .

"Where are you going?" Destiny asked seeing Alice walk away first everyone turned and saw it.

"I'm going for a walk I'll be back later today, ok?" Alice said waving a hand at them and continuing walking to the town.

"Ooook" Koda said before sitting on the ground starting to wait with the others.

"So, Yang where are you and Alice going?" Jessie asked looking at Yang with the others.

"We're heading to Night the place across the ocean." Yang explained to them.

"Hope you have enough money to buy a horses and carriages." Jessie said earning confused looks all around.

"What?" They all asked.

"I'm from Night to get vehicles over you have to bring it across like 5 checkpoints to bring it over." Jessie explained.

  While they were in the grass by the Kawasaki and looking down the road to see if a car or Alice is coming

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  While they were in the grass by the Kawasaki and looking down the road to see if a car or Alice is coming. Then they heard a growl from the surrounding forest, when they looked it was a pack of puppets (7 feet tall gray skinned monsters, with long arms that touch the ground, crooked legs, white and black hair that is spiked up, and they wore a permanent smile showing their crooked teeth, and claws on their hands and feet.) they stood up and stayed still.

Alice Pov. 

I was walking back to the camp where the others were and I saw the head of puppets at spot so I started to sprint when I was 17 feet away I put the gas down.

3rd Pov.

(AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! RUN AWAY!!) They were shocked to see a group of puppets this far away from their cave. (IDIOTS!)

Then one of them started to laugh and picked up a shock Density from the ground and held her above it's mouth  and opened but before it could feast another came from the woods running but unlike the others this one had red instead of white streaks. (I wonder who it is.)

It grabbed Density and put her down on the ground before growling at the others. The other started to growl and roar in response.

"ROOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!" The red one yelled it litteraly yelled roar not the action. "Roar. B!itches." It said in a voice that sounded like rubbing a rock on another rock.

The others and the group were suprise that one talked. So like normal things that happened when finding something new they ran the fuck away.(PUSSY!!)

Then the red one fell down and something emearged from it's boney body neck. A person came from it neck. It was......


Sorry I haven't writin in awhile everybody.

*Grabs cookie*

Cliff hanger. If you don't know who it is  

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