I ain't got no clue

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It was a cold afternoon as they headed north.

"So bored." Alice said moving her head down to look at the road under them.

"Eyes on the fucking road!" Yang yelled afraid for her life.

"Ok!" Alice yelled through her helmet.

"Good!" Yang yelled. "Can you go faster?!" Yang asked/yelled.

"Hell yeah!" Alice said picking up speed.

They stayed like that for a minute before Alice decided to scare Yang by doing a wheelie.

"AH!!!" Yang screamed holding on tighter to Alice.

"He-he." Alice said weakly as Yang was squeezing the air out of her.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!!" Yang yelled loosening her grip not knowing she was strangulating Alice or she would have held on longer.

"I did it for entertainment purposes." Alice said.

"You're a dick!" Yang yelled.

"That's because I have one." Alice said making Yang blush but the helmet hide it.

"Bite me." Yang said.

"I can't right now I'm driving so'll have to wait." Alice said.

"Shut up." Yang said 

"Never!" Alice yelled rising one arm up scarring the shit out of Yang.

"BOTH HANDS ON THE WHEEL!!!" Yang screamed quickly moving Alice's hand down

"Ok, ok, god damn." Alice said.

"I don't want to fucking die yet." Yang said

"You won't die." Alice said.

"I smell bullshit." Yang said.

"And you would be right to." Alice agreed with Yang.

"How much longer?" Yang asked.

"Um...Two, maybe three days." Alice said.

"So are we just gonna keep driving or stop at night?" Yang asked.

"Um..." Alice looked at the gas. "Son of a bitch." Alice said very annoyed.

"What?" Yang asked confused.

"We're about to run out of gas." Alice said.

"See I told you to stop at the last town but no will be fine." Yang said hitting the side of Alice's helmet.

"Don't hit the driver." Alice said waving her hand behind her.

"You won't be driving soon." Yang said hitting Alice's hand away.

After 2 hours of driving it stopped.

"We are out of gas." Alice announced 

"Well that's just perfect you're going to find the fucking gas." Yang said angry at Alice. "Idiot." Yang whispered that last part.

"I heard that." Alice said laying on the ground looking at the stars in the sky (No shit Sherlock.).

"Just because you heard it doesn't make it less true." Yang said with a smirk hold her index finger up.

"I know." Alice said closing her eyes.


(10 years ago)

"I CAN'T DO IT!!" A young girl said as she was being pumped with acid, poison, and boiled blood.

"I DON'T CARE!" A man yelled over the girl's screams. "HIGHER!!" The man yelled looking over a a young man in a lab coat.

"YES, SIR!" The young one yelled bring the decimals up.

The screams of the girl's became louder, and more frequent.

"IT HURTS!!!" The girl yelled pulling at the restrains that held her.

"ALL THE WAY!!!" The man yelled.

"YES SIR!!" The boy yelled moving the knob all the way.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The young girl screamed before braking the restraints and pulling out the needles on her body.

"Good god run!" The man yelled having the needle thrown hitting him in the neck and the other 18 needles were thrown at the other people in the room.



Alice woke up in a cold sweat panting at night.

'It was just a dream' Alice thought looking around finding Yang close to her. 'I could tease her.' Alice said.

Alice laid back down and pulled Yang close to her and Yang cuddled up putting her head in Alice's neck.

"He he he." Alice laughed at how much she could call Yang a Cuddle Bear.

Alice closed her eyes heading back to sleep with a smile on her face. ( I wonder why.)


Yes the cuddly Yang arrives.

So thank you for reading hoped you enjoyed if you did please bring cookies.

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*Eats cookie.*


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