Wake up.

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"Bitch, first of all, eagle, and next time you kick me you'll have only one bear ear left." Jess said slapping him.

Destiny threw a pillow somewhere in the vicinity of the arguing.

Wan sat up cracking her back, yawning.

Onix jumped up headbutting Wan, because of the yelling.

Yang, she just grabbed her gun and shot at them for interrupting her beauty sleep.

Alice/Akia, she's just in pain because of all the movement.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Yang yells making the two go quite immediately as she finished the sentence.

It was silent 'till the girls on Alice/Akia screamed because she got tired of them just sitting there and pushed herself up.

Alice/Akia them plopped back on the ground going to sleep again.

Alice/Akia was then kicked by three feet.

"If we have to get up then you do too." Onix said while Yang and Wan nodded.

"Finnneee." Alice (I'm just gonna stick to Alice maybe say Akia sometimes because this  Alice/Akia shit is getting tiring.) groaned out before getting up. 

"Now, time for breakfast." Destiny said making Koda and Jess stop their glaring match.

"Feed me, Seymour." Alice said. (If you get that reference I love you.)

"Alright." Destiny said throwing some food at Alice.

"Nom nom." 

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