Chapter Three

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We stroll through the town. Siazo is ahead of me walking at a quick pace. I have to take two extra steps to keep close behind him. (Wheez) He suddenly stops making me abruptly crash into his back!

"Are you tired already?" His face is showing an annoyed expression under his shawl. Well of course! We have walked through three towns already and you don't slow down!

"I'm sorry. I am not as fast as you," I pant. "Huh..?!" He grabs my wrist forcefully and pulls me along right beside him!

"Ow!" It hurts, it doesn't seem to phase him. "Ninja are known for our agility," he says short tempered. Though he slows a bit and we walk into the trees.

Our short and rather dumb conversations started with me and ended with Master Siazo.. 

"You are so loud. You and Sasuke are the same," Siazo says. I have been rather loud.. "A ninja is known for its silence. Something you lack," I stop and weez. I already know I am unfit to be a ninja princess.. you don't need to remind me every second. Saizo stops after he notices I am not following and looks at me. I am sitting on a stone, he notices my uneased face and walks toward me. 

"If it makes you feel any better you have an average chest," He says completely emotionless and pats me on the head! My face turns red and it burns.

"Y-you don't say that to a lady," My face is burning. I get up  stomping  before him and we begin walking again.

The sun began to set and we arrived in another village and made our way to a noodle shop right on the outskirts. Its homey feeling brought back memories which made me smile and Siazo shake his head as if to a child. We sat down at a table.

"We will be heading through the border in a two days. It seems nothing unintentional has happened and we can go through without a hitch," Siazo seems refreshingly relieved and I smile. 

"Why do you do that?" He says looking to the side, his face is a bid looser than normal, as if he is interested.

"Do what?"

"Smile, you smile at every little thing." His expression is back  to its cold self.

"A man very dear to me told me to smile at the little things in bad times." I say looking at the table that sat between me and Master Siazo. His expression once again loosened and met my gaze but quickly turned away. (DOOMF) "Huh?" 

The doors to the restaurant thrash open. Samurai? 

"Give us your best alcohol!" One man says the three others circle him like pets smiling a very disgusting smile. "W-we do not server liquor here sir.. we are a family restaurant," the lady stutters. She's pregnant. 

"Ah.. well you are a pretty lady!" He grabs her. "Ah!"

"..!" I automatically go into alert mode and try to stand, but Siazo grabs my wrist forcefully to pull me back down.. Siazo whispers to not make any movements and let it be. How could he say this?! A pregnant woman is in danger of being harmed!! His wrist is tight and I am trapped in his gaze. "Help please!" The woman screams.

"..!" The man slaps her and the others laugh. I didn't know that I had released Siazo's grip and risen. Siazo was left agitated and surprised. "Stop! Do not touch her!" I stepped up, finally. The men were obviously Oda's men and put there gaze on me and let go of the woman. There gaze was terrifying.. as if they found a new target. They approached me.

"Yea? well I guess you are much prettier. We'll teach you a lesson!" 

"..!?" As he reaches out to grab me Siazo has stopped it completely stepping in front of me.

"You will not lay a hand on her," he says smoothly. I am a little relieved but still tense with fear.

"Oh yea?!You look like a ninja! Get him!" Siazo grabs me ruffly. ..! and pulls me out the door and we make a hasty escape to the forest. (PANT PANT)

We had run several miles away and I found myself panting again. He was so fast.. I think we lost them.. (PLONK) 

"Ouch!" Siazo bonked my head.

"Punishment for not being obedient." He says looking down on me with an angered expression.

"She was pregnant and needed help! Plus I am not a Dog..!" I rub my head.

"No. You are not a animal, you are a ninja. Ninja do not make scenes in public." He says this as he holds my chin firmly, making me unable to move. How could he say this? Is truly heartless? His grip however loosens and he moves the hair out of my face easing his face. It was relaxing. All his mood swings were giving me whip lash..

"Given what you got us into, we will be sleeping in a cave tonight," he let go of me and turned away. I pout as my head aches from his punishment. I guess I should be more obedient.. to an exstent. I do not regret doing what I did. We will just have to live with it.. but today I have scene parts of Siazo I did not expect. I do not regret picking him. His gentleness is stuck inside that hard cold shell of a ninja. I am determined to get it out! I smile unwillingly at Siazo, he is lighting a fire. He catches my gaze and turns away annoyed and I smile despite it.

What do you think about his chapter? Is Saizo being too much?

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Until Next time in Kamisama Ninja~

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