Chapter One

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Several weeks after arriving in Japan, we stayed at a nearby village. It was located in the Koga region and not too far from Yoshitsune's previous mansion. Mizuki and Hyuga had reunited with us several days after we arrived. I helped out as much as I could at the inn we stayed at. Doing laundry, cooking, even scrubbing the floors. It kept my mind off of the whole Japan coming to terrible things. 

"Oh please, allow me," I grab a wood bucket of water and a rag.

"Oh no Ms. Nanami. I cannot let such a woman of high class scrub the floors!" The maid protested kindly.

"No! I can do this, please allow me to occupy myself." I smiled. After always arguing with the maids at the inn I was able to help. Yoshitsune and the ninja were planning something, which I didn't bother to ask what, but the silence from Yoshitsune I understood it wasn't my place to ask. He seemed sullen every time I saw him. Was it because of Goyo..? or his brother betraying him. Most likely the second one. 

I was not allowed to leave the inn with out one of the ninja at my side. But since Goyo's leave I found myself more rebelious than ever. It was almost like I was a different person. I'd leave for a short period of time and go to a near by spring and just watch the Koi swim in the water. I always asked myself questions like what use am I? The three sacred treasures were left on the Mainland for more safety than I could offer here.  I feel utterly useless. I scrub the floor with fierce agitation! I burn my palm. "Ouch!" I am even more angry. I stop and put the back of my hand to my forehead.

If only.. I had some purpose. My family's purpose.. I cannot even do that! "I am sorry mother, father," I tear as I continue to scrub the floor. I hear footsteps in front of me but I am on my knees so I do not look up.

"Oh Nanami, why do you do such things..?" I hear Yoshitsune's chuckle. He knelt down and grabbed my injured hand. I look up at him still tearing. He helps me up and I hug him instictivly. He says nothing for a while and I just sob in his arms as he stokes my hair.

"..Things will not always be this way. You must remember this. You must remember joyful things to help you through the present." I look at Yoshitsune and he looks straight in my eyes. "Yoshitsune.."

"There is a rebellion coming. And all of us must be ready for it.." He strokes my hair. I then dig my head in his chest once again and we stand there for a while.

A few days later Yoshitsune calls in a meeting for the remaining Shinobi and myself. "It's happening. The rebelion has started and it is time we join the rise." Yoshitsune says determined. Rebelion? Is this what he spoke of? Its happening?! 

"What shall we do My?" Mizuki cuts in. I listen eagerly. I want to fight. I want to be a part of this! The others notice my excitement.

"For now we as individuals cannot do a thing. Yoritomo has been over thrown.." Yoshitsune says with a completely serious face. Does it pain him that his brother is now dead? Who took his place?! I did not realize that my eager question came out of my mouth. 

"Oda Nobunaga. I've heard his plan is to destroy all Ninja, just like Yoritomo" Hyuga answers me. "All Ninja? You are not the only Ninja out there?" I ask. 

"We are Shinobi, Nanami. There have always been Ninja. The case you do not no about it was suppose to be that way. Now Oda is shouting there where abouts and we are revealed. No Ninja is safe as for what I've heard.." Benkai steps in next to Yoshitsune and twirls a shruiken in his hand.

"However, we are Ninja for a damn well reason. It's is time for us to be noticed, and we will defend our name." Youshitsune pounds the table enough to make me jump slightly. Wow.. how enthusiastic. He then walks towards me making my heart race with nervousness.

But what he says is not just to me, but to all of us. He spoke of the reason why we need to split apart. We will be caught together.. as the rebellion occurs we need to wait, and act on our own parts. That very afternoon they escorted me to another village and put me under protection from a family in the village. It was all a surprise and shock to me, but in me I understood that it has to be this way, and it will not be forever, still knowing that I couldn't help but cry because they were now my family. We all said our goodbyes. No tears were shed, but mine. Everyone carried pained face on each other, even Hyuga and Mizuki. Hyuga hugged me tightly enough to make me gasp for air. Benkai shared very few words, explaining he had wanted a life with me, and hope there will one day be a chance to try. Hearing that brought much more sadness to my heart, knowing that I do not love him the way he loves me. As much as it was hard to admit we had grown on each other. As they rode away I preyed for their safety. "Kamisama please, protect all Ninja.."

Is splitting up for the best?

What is Nanami going to do about her Destiny?

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Next time in Kamisama Ninja~

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