Chapter Eleven

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Sharp into the Darkness

"Keep her safe Kuma," Saizo says helping me on the horse. 

"Don't worry Master Saizo, we will protect the Princess with our lives,"  Kuma and five other ninja were to escort me to Koga. I was tense at the thought of leaving Hanzo and the others to go and fight. If anything were to happen..

"Don't frown," Saizo smiled and pat my head. "I will see you soon,"  

"Be safe Princess," Hanzo bows and sees us off.

Traveling through the mountain was quiet, we were half way to Koga when we were inturpted from horse heels clonking the dirt ahead of us. 

"...!" Kuma halts her horse and we follow. She holds he hand up as if to make sure we dont say a word. A man? A man is galloping towards us! He looks like a Samurai?! His horse is stoped by a pull on its reigns.

"I don't want trouble. I am here simply for the Princess." The man is coolly asking..

"Like hell." Kuma barks, I look at her face and her eye brows are furrowed. "Who are you?!"

"Does it really matter?"

"Answer me!" Kuma shouts.

"Ah.. if you must know I am Musashi Myamoto. Now please, I must be on my way." How can he be so cool about all this?! What a strange man.. If the rumors are true, his swordsman ship is great and he could kill Kuma. As Kuma is ready to draw her sword,

"No.. I will go with you. But dont hurt these people." I say moving my horse infront of Kuma's. "No Princess! I promised Lord Saizo..!" 

"I will not let you blantly kill yourself for me, none of you." The Ninja behind her are also in defense mode, all ready to risk their lives to protect me.  I look back at Kuma with a reassuring look.

"I will be okay, please do not worry," I smile gently.

"C'mon Princess," Musashi holds a hand out to me and I grab on, he pulls me surprisingly gently on the horse, and then holsters his sword back in its case. "Princess we will save you!" Kuma crys out as we gallop away. As we reach a fair amount of distance, we go faster and faster. I am not holding on to anything so I feel as if I am to fall right off. 

"Don't be shy. Hold on tight." I see him smile from the corner of his face and scowl. "I wont bite you if that's why you are scared.."

"You think this is why?!" 

"Well, I wont hurt you, and I wasn't going to hurt your friend if that's why." His words sound sincere, but he threatened Kuma with his sword and I cannot trust him at all.

"If you continue to argue, you will soon fall off, since it seems as if it is going to rain we must get to the Kyoto by nightfall." The roads were getting bumpy and I was jumped up and down on the butt of the horse. Musashi's laughter breaks my concentration.

"W-Why are you laughing!?" I bark. 

"Oh.." He grabs my wrists from behind and forcibly clamps them around his body. "..!" 

"There, better?" I look at him dumbfoundedly then up at the sky, it was going to rain. I just let it happen. 

It had been an hour on the horse, and it was silent, all you could hear was the rain, and the beautiful grey sky blanketing the mountain pass. What a situation I am in huh? I couldn't help but smile and dropping my head down shaking it. Lord Saizo.. I wish you were here to save me. Too die this death is honorable, to put my life before my loved ones. And my soul heart, Saizo.. a tear rushed down my eye. 

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