Criminal Mind (Kellic)

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After watching a couple episodes of NCIS New Orleans yesterday, I got inspiration to write this.

Warnings: cussing.


After years of search, a bunch of dead ends, and desperation, we finally discovered the location of Kiev. Kiev was one of the most wanted criminal of the nation, and we finally have his location. He had been leading us to many random places like Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, so on so forth. We had tracked him down inside of California, specifically in San Diego.

"Ready Fuentes?" Asked the boss, Danielle. The ginger head might look like an adorable person but she's a badass. She was looking at me with determination as she loaded her shotgun.

"I've been born ready," I teased, to which she playfully hit my arm. We all hopped inside the vans and let the driver turn on the sirens. We all had loaded guns and bulletproof vests. We were dealing with one of the most dangerous criminals, we wanted to be ready for everything. Kiev was known publicly for being a hacker, yet there had been rumors about him being a trained man that knew his way around guns.

It seemed that our destination wasn't as far as I thought, since we arrived soon. We all hopped out and I was not expecting to be here.

"My house?" I spoke as I stared blankly at my cozy white home, "this can't be."

"We tracked him down to your house, Vic," Danielle mumbled as she placed a helmet over her head for extra protection. "If we don't find anything, we're taking you as a main suspect."

"My husband is inside!" I cried to which Danielle slapped me. My house no longer looked the same bright white my husband and I painted after a couple weeks after we got married. It looked like a dirty shade of white, leaning towards being a light grey.

"And he might be the infamous Kiev," Danielle talked with a serious and dominant tone, "and we need you to get us inside."

I couldn't do anything else but to nod and follow instructions meekly. I crossed the street and I pulled out my keys, opening the door.

"Vic?" I heard Kellin's sweet and melodic voice from upstairs, "you're home early!" He spoke happily as he walked downstairs. He was wearing a white shirt as he wore a happy grin. He would always receive with a smile like this every time I would arrive from work. "And you brought friends... is everything okay?"

"Put your hands up where I can see them!" I heard someone else yelling as they pointed guns at my husband. Kellin obeyed as I noticed tears pooling in his pretty blue eyes. He walked carefully towards the people as he was holding back tears.

"I didn't do anything!" Kellin cried as they handcuffed him, later taking him outside to be eventually questioned in the offices. The rest of the squadron started searching around the house, grabbing whatever they thought might work as evidence. I was static; completely frozen. Kellin can't be Kiev, that's impossible! He is one of the most adorable and innocent people I've ever met. He is my husband for a reason.

I noticed that the half of the team was inside while the other half was outside. Even if Kellin was indeed Kiev, he would have it hard to escape, and/or fight against everyone, specially if everyone had loaded guns and he had nothing.

After what seemed forever, the whole team called it a 'clear,' since there was nothing suspicious inside my house. I was secretly thanking this since I didn't want Kellin to be taken away from me because of some criminal psychopath has been playing with us. He can keep playing all he wanted, but he was not bringing Kellin to the playground.

This was another dead end. Kiev was playing with us at this point, he was no longer doing this for his own benefit but for his entertainment. We returned to the office with Kellin still as a main suspect.

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