Wonderful life (Kellic)

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Little spam: go and read "The Recipe Of Us."
Is a collab with donttelljayme and the small help of ByNasharuu! Is a Kellic if you were wondering. Please go to my profile and check it out! (I'm the one who's publishing it)

Warnings: none?


Vic's POV

I was once again chained by the captain of the ship I was currently kept prisoner of. This was not rare for the slaves kept by pirates. I was currently quietly roaming around, since the captain forgot to lock me inside the small cell. I walked and walked, trying to not wake up anyone since it was late night, it was storming, and everyone in the ship hated me. After walking for a long time, I got at some point inside the quarters of the first mate. The first mate was the person who was just as powerful as the captain but not fully in charge. I quietly entered and I saw the known beauty with long raven hair, blue eyes, and pale porcelain skin reading a worn out black book. I couldn't help but to walk closer to him, completely amazed by such a beauty. At some point, my chains rattled loudly against each other, making him to look at me.

"Well, would you look at that," he smirked as he stood up, placing the book on the table, "the beast has escaped." He walked besides me and closed the door of his room. He was lucky in having a room all by himself, while I was the only slave held here, therefore my cell was also lonely, but it didn't feel as cozy as his room. "What are you doing here?" He asked as he walked back to the chair he was sitting on prior.

"I am chained," I spoke, not being sure if he was going to give me away.

"Well dear, I for sure noticed that," he clicked his tongue as he grabbed the book once again. "So, what are you doing up at this hour? Specially with this weather."

"I could ask you the same," I mumbled and he raised an eyebrow, indicating he heard me.

"Well dear, I was reading," he spoke like it was the most normal thing of the world. "I can tell that you were not reading. You are soaking wet, you'll get sick."

"It's alright, I should probably go back," I spoke as I motioned to the door. He immediately stood up and raced to the door, blocking my way out.

"Let my dry you up, dear," he smiled. "I don't want anyone in the crew sick."

"Sir, I'm not part of the crew."

"Darling, of course you are," he placed a hand on my shoulder as he made me walk to his bed, "maybe you aren't at the highest rank, but you are still on board in this ship." He made me sit down as he went to open his small wardrobe. He pulled out a large piece of cloth and some of his clothes, as well as small bag. He walked back and placed all of the things aside. "Who chained you?" he asked me, holding eye contact.

"The Captain," I responded bluntly. He nodded in understanding. He pulled out a massive keychain filled with a bunch of keys of all sizes and forms. He used an specific one and he unlocked the chains, setting me free. After that, he kept it back in his pocket.

"Here we go," he smiled, "now, I'm going to take off your shirt, is that okay?" he asked as he played with the helm of my filthy white shirt. I simply nodded and he simply took it off, placing it on the floor. He grabbed the long cloth and he started drying me off with it. "You have a face, don't ya?" he asked, wearing a smile all the time.

"I do..." I trailed off, slightly confused by the question. He simply opened the bag and pulled out a razor and a small container with white foam that was probably some homemade shaving cream.

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