«Satan (Kellic)»

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Warnings: A long ass os (has around 10,000 words), smut (like lots, you're welcome), demon Vic, cussing, mention of death, and descriptive death.

Kellin's POV

The afterlife it is not how it was pictured among the mortals. Hell and Heaven did exist, but you weren't judged and being condemned to suffer in Hell for the rest of the eternity, or to live happily ever after in Heaven until your soul was picked to be sent back to Earth and live once again without any memory of your past life; things worked way different than anyone had thought. There was a guardian that received you and welcomed you to what humans defined as the courtroom: a place in which God and Satan will be fighting to see where you end up spending the rest of your immortal life. It didn't work like that. The guardian will make you walk to the end of the plain room, where two identical doors were located, sitting next to each other with different tags, giving you the most general idea of what was behind each door.

A place which possessed one of the most repugnant and acrid smell known to the universe, fire burning and never going off, darkness surrounding the rotten agony, constant pain, suffering, sadness, angst, and desperation. Where all of your nightmares become a reality.

A place which was full of the sweetest and pleasant smells that could ever get into your nostrils, filled with the best of Mother Nature's creations, where light abundant the most, and where you could live with forever joy and excitement. Where all of your best dreams come true.

Nevertheless Heaven's good offerings, I was intrigued by what was behind Hell's door. The plain black door had too many secrets that were eating me alive.

"Kellin Quinn Bostwick," The Guardian spoke with his demanding raspy voice, "you died by an accident, didn't you?"

"Yes," I responded with simplicity. I remember the feeling of my life draining from my body, as I became numb and empty. The blood was flowing out of my pale cold corpse, creating a small warm red pond of blood beneath me on the cold damp pavement. Desperate shrieks coming from my mother's pink lips were drowning any other sound nearby. People gathered around the scene as their eyes were reflecting pity, worry, sadness, and shock. Paramedics made their way in the crowd as they rushed to try and save me, but they were too late. I've lost too much blood at that point that it was impossible for me to remain alive there. My icy white plump lips, that once were pink, were parted and chapped. There was no oxygen making its way into my lungs. Blood stopped flowing around my veins and arteries since it was flowing out from me, painting the streets with a deep red color. The paramedics tried to stop the wound from bleeding even more, but there was no more blood that could bleed out of my body. I was empty and dry. My heart stopped beating abruptly as I lost control of my body and started to slowly levitate away from myself. I was lying on the chilly damp street, in the middle of the night, cold and lifeless.

"A car accident," I added and he hummed, writing something down on the papers he had on his hand.

"Kellin, nobody here is judged for what you did in life," he started off as he looked at me. We were standing at the front of the doors that were defining what will happen to me next. "You have the decision in whether be doomed for the rest of your life or live like you ever wanted," he remarked, "this is the most important decision, and it's all yours."

I looked at him and then the doors. I was tempted in choosing Hell and condemn myself there, making me suffer and agonize, but a good eternal life sounded like the best.

"Hell," I blurted out, not thinking before speaking.

"Your decision has been made," The Guardian commanded. He unlocked the door that read 'Hell'. "I'll see you when you return from Earth once again you've been retrieved from Hell," He smiled and pushed me inside, closing the door behind me. I looked in fear at the closed door and I turned around.
There was another door. I didn't have any other choice so I walked up to it and opened it carefully. As I opened it, I detected a faint smell of what I recognized as cinnamon, which took me aback since I was expecting to vomit from the acrid smell that I was imagining. I fully opened it and I entered.
As soon as I entered, the door behind me closed and vanished in a split of a second.

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