~Chapter 10 (The End, Part 1)~

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   X woke up in Four's arms. He looked around. They were still at the cliff. They must have fallen asleep without realizing. X's vision cleared, and he looked around. He sat up, trying his best not to wake Four. He turned around slightly, but then froze. Six was behind them. X's eyes widened and he shook Four until he woke up. Four slowly sat up beside him. "Uhg.. X...? What's wrong..?" he saw X staring at something behind him, so he looked over. His eyes widened as well. Six was just standing there, staring at them. "What.. What the hell?? Six??" Four glared at her and pulled X closer to him. "S.. Stay away from us!!" X was scared. He hugged Four tightly. Six started to slowly walk towards them. She had this weird grin on her face. Both Four and X stood up, X shaking in fear. "I'M WARNING YOU!!" hissed Four, baring his sharp teeth. Six ignored him. But then she stopped walking. Four started to sweat. Without warning, Six lunged at them, sending both Four and X off of the cliff. X screamed and gripped onto Four. Four grabbed onto X and used his powers to fly back to where they were.

"God. I forgot about that."

"Hello??? Can anyone hear me???" cried Six.

"SHUT THE HELL UP! I'M TRYING TO HELP YOU!" screamed the voice.

   Four growled and moved X so he was safely behind him. "Don't get in front of me, X.. this is gonna get messy." X nodded, looking up at Four with tearful eyes. Four screeched as loud as he could, but it had.. no effect? "W... What? How is that possible?" said Four, thinking out loud.

"What's going on?!?" yelled Seven, opening the door to his house.

Three and One jumped. "Uh... What was that??" said Three, confused. "I dunno, but lets go check it out."

Six grinned. "That's not gonna work on me, you idiot. I'm more powerful than you think."

   "But it worked last time.." thought Four to himself. Whatever. He's not gonna let Six hurt anyone. Four shot his laser beams straight at Six, but she dodged them by flying up into the air. "You can't hurt me, just give up already." Four kept attempting to zap her, but failed every time. But then, he paused. Four was exhausted. Six stared down at him, grinning.

"What are you doing!? You said kill X! FOUR ISN'T SUPPOSED TO GET HURT!!" screamed Six.

"Whatever. I do what I want. Its more fun this way anyways." said the voice.

   X's eyes started to burn from crying. He was shaking, he didn't want anything to happen to Four. He was scared for his life as well. He knew he couldn't do much, for his powers were way too weak. He watched as Four kneeled down, exhausted from the amount of energy he just used. He looked up at Six. He saw something forming in Six's hand. A... laser beam? She has powers like Four too? X's eyes widened. He knew what she was about to do. Six pointed her hand at Four, and before X knew it, he jumped out in front of Four.


That's all X felt. All he could think about.

He felt electricity travel through his body, as he collapsed to the ground.

Six's eyes widened in surprise, but despite that, she just laughed in return.

Four recovered. His vision became clear again. He looked around. He looked at the ground in front of him to see... X.

   He was covered in scars and dirt from the fall. His body was slightly twitching. "X! X N-NO!!" screamed Four, running over to him. He collapsed over X and started sobbing. He listened for his heartbeat, and luckily, it was still there. He was happy that X was still alive but.. He was so badly hurt.

   Seven, Three, and One ran over. Three and One immediately knew what was happening, however, Seven was a bit clueless. "Whats happening??? Why is X hurt??? Why is Six flying!?!?!" said Seven, panicking. "Look, we can explain everything later. You have to help us defend Four and X from Six!!!" said One quickly. They both rushed over and tried to grab Six's attention.

   Three ran behind Six and threw a rock at her. "HEY IDIOT! OVER HERE!!" he screamed. Six growled and tried to zap him, but he ran away just in time. One ran over to Four and X while Three continued to annoy Six, and Seven joined in. "Is he okay??" said One, looking at X with a scared expression. X started to slowly open his eyes. "G-guys, it's okay.. I'm.. Still alive.." said X with a shaky voice. "One, we need to help him. Can you bring him back to our house, maybe clean him up, and let him rest?" said Four. One nodded, picked X up, and ran away. Four looked back up at Six. She was facing the other direction, setting her attention on Seven and Three. "This is my chance."

Six knew what was about to happen. The voice in her head didn't. She could see Four about to zap her from behind. She decided not to let the voice know. It was best for the both of them.

Four lined up his hand with Six, and used his powers.

Six felt a sudden shock.


Six sighed. "I'm not letting you win. Even if it means I die along with you." 

To Be Continued 

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