~Chapter 8~

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  It was the next day, and X was just outside the house picking flowers while Four was inside making lunch for the two of them. Six decided she would go and try to explain things to Four. She wanted him to realize that she can't control herself sometimes.. Six started to walk towards their house. Three was nearby, and noticed. He started to panic, and quickly walked over to Six. He got in front of her. "Hey, Six!!" said Three with the fakest smile you can imagine. "Uh... Three?" said Six. "I haven't talked to you in forever! I thought you forgot about me or something" Three's smile started to fade. "Yeah, well, I didn't... Uh.. So, what are you doing?" asked Three. "....I was planning on going to Four's house? ...Why ask?" said Six, obviously confused on why Three would suddenly talk to her again, and why he seemed so nervous. "I don't think you should go, I heard Four hasn't been feeling well lately..." said Three, obviously lying. "Maybe you should just go home...?" said Three. Six glared at him. "You sure? I saw him outside yesterday-" "Yeah yeah, but he doesn't feel good today. Just leave him alone." said Three, trying really hard not to sound rude. "And he probably most certainly wants to avoid you after what you did the other day.." he muttered under his breath. "What??" said Six, she was starting to get annoyed. "Look. Just go home, okay??" Three forcefully turned Six around and made her walk in the opposite direction. "Damn, okay..."

   X was picking flowers, and humming a small tune. He glanced up from what he was doing to see Three. He turned around, glanced at X, then ran away. "Huh.. That's weird.." whispered X. He shrugged and went back to what he was doing. A bit later, Four called for X, telling him lunch was ready. X happily walked inside with a bundle of fresh picked flowers. "I got these for you, Four!" said X cheerfully, smiling and handing them to Four. Four blushed and smiled back. "Aww thanks, X! You're so kind.." said Four, picking him up to give him a hug. He placed them in a vase in the center of the table. They were beautiful, all of the flowers were different colors and they smelled wonderful. X sat down at the table and Four handed him a sandwich. Four brought his over to where he sits. "So, X, did anything interesting happen today?" X looked down. "Well, I did see something weird.. When I was outside picking flowers, I saw Three!" Four squinted. "Three, huh? He's never really said much to me. I wonder what he was doing." "Probably nothing important. Lets not worry about it." said X. 

   Six returned home, and saw Five waiting outside her door. Five noticed her and waved. "Hey Six! I noticed you weren't home, so I decided to wait here." Six smiled at her. "Hey Five, can I talk to you for a bit?" 

   Six told Five everything. She told her about her feelings for Four, the times she cant control herself, the way she feels all the time. The entire time, Five listened and didn't question anything. Once Six was done, Five moved closer to her and embraced her. "Its okay, Six. Sometimes its hard to control your emotions. Even I have that problem, and I'm pretty sure everyone else does too. And your feelings for Four? That's fine as well. But.. Since he's with someone else now.. I think its best if you just... Let it go?" Six nodded, but felt tears starting to form in her eyes. She hugged Five tighter. But she felt herself start to.. blush? "What's happening to me...?


Sorry I kinda died for like 2 weeks I'm just hella tired

Also, I'm planning on making another book, but don't worry, this book will be my main focus until I complete it.

(And thanks for #1 in BFB! I know that might change soon but still, i'm so surprised! I never knew people would enjoy my crappy writing-)

See ya.


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