~Chapter 2~

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   After a long night of gaming, Four, X, and Six decided to return home to get some sleep. When Six got home, she locked the door, went to her room and threw herself down onto her bed. She stared at the ceiling. "No, this can't be.." she thought as the watched the blades of her ceiling fan go round and round. "Do I really... Have feelings for Four?"  She thought about Four being with X. In a relationship, that is. They live in the same house, which means they have plenty of time.. WAY too much time.. to get closer. They are always around each other. "I get the feeling that Four doesn't enjoy being around me as much anymore... He'd rather be with that little weakling, X." Still facing the ceiling, she closed her eyes and put her hands over her face. "I need to calm myself down.. Four and X are just friends... Four and X are just friends..."

   X yawned. He was exhausted, and it was very late. Both Four and X were sitting on the couch in the living room, watching the small TV. They both had exhausted looks on their faces. X wanted to stay up a bit longer and watch some late-night cartoons, and Four just couldn't say no. More time to spend with him, I suppose. Four noticed that X was slightly leaning towards him. He was starting to fall asleep, and he could barely keep his eyes open."Gah.. S-So cute..." thought Four. Then he noticed X was quietly snoring. He was completely leaning against Four at this point, as if he was a pillow. Four was madly blushing now. "If only he could do this when he was awake...." Four suddenly had the overwhelming urge to wrap his arms around X. He hesitated at first, but gently put his arms around him. "What could go wrong?" He was hoping that X wouldn't notice or wake up, because that would be incredibly embarrassing. Luckily, X was a pretty sound sleeper. He stared at X's adorable face for a while. He had a slight smile, he must have been having a good dream. Four smiled too. He wished he could do this all the time. He wished he could tell X how he feels. He doesn't just want to tell him, but he NEEDS to tell him. But sadly, today wont be that day. He glanced at X one more time, before slowly drifting off beside him.



Look at me over here, fangirling over my own story

Hopefully you all enjoyed this chapter!

I think I've decided the best way to go is to post a new chapter every day, and if I have some spare time, I can post more than one.

Well, anyways, thanks for reading!


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