~Chapter 3~

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   The next day, Six went to Four and X's house. She decided she should talk to him, and get her feelings off her chest. Before she does anything questionable. She knocked on the door, and a few seconds later, Four opened it. "Oh hey, Six!" said Four with a forced smile. Six blushed. "Hi, Four!" she said, flustered and excited. "Want to come in?" asked Four, noticing a drop of sweat rolling down Six's forehead. She nodded. "S-Sure!" They both walked inside, and Six sat down on the couch.

   "I'll go get us some drinks, just give me a minute." said Four, walking into the kitchen. Six felt like she was having a panic attack. She wanted to tell him how she feels. She wanted to hug him. But how would he react? Would he reject her? Would there relationship crumble, just because of one little confession? Eventually, Four walked back into the living room, a can of soda in each hand. This snapped Six back to reality. Six looked around, and noticed X was nowhere to be seen. "Hey Four, where's X?" she asked. "Oh, he's at the equation playground. I decided to stay home this time because I'm still exhausted from last night." he replied. "X always has so much energy.." "This is my chance... and X won't be here to mess things up" thought Six. Four took a small sip of soda and put the can down on the coffee table in front of them. "So, what should we do?" asked Four. Its time. "Well, F-Four, I actually need to tell you something.." said Six with a shaky voice. Her fear and anger was starting to overcome her. "Yeah?" said Four, noticing that she was blushing. "She better not be about to say what I think she is.." thought Four, nervously. He started to sweat a bit. Six suddenly scooted close to Four. But, something was wrong.. Six didn't feel like herself. She felt like she was losing her mind. 

   Suddenly, Six turned around and pinned Four against the cushions. She couldn't control herself. "I-I love you, Four..." she said as she leaned in to kiss him. Four was able to push her off of him before her lips could reach his. "WHAT THE HELL, SIX??" said Four, loudly. She got up and grinned at him, striking fear into Four. "You're MINE." She jumped on top of Four again, but this time he was prepared. He grabbed her arm and zapped her, but only enough to stun her. She fell backwards, and landed on the floor next to the couch. She was passed out. Four sighed. He picked Six up, went out the door, and walked to her house. He brought her home, and set her down on her bed. He looked at her one more time before leaving once more. "Can't we just be friends?"



Sorry I have been so inactive lately!! I've been so busy with school and fencing practice. 

Well, things sure did escalate quickly. But that's just how it be sometimes.


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