Reunions (Vol.2)

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Summer came out and was stunned she dropped the plate of cookies.

John thoughts: Yes, yes this is what I live for, the despair the distraught. It fuels me.

Qrow: How did they.

John: The school camera recorded. How they died.

Raven: Can we see the recordings.

John: Of course.

John place down his scroll as a holographic image began to play. First it was yang, she was screaming in pain as the gears turned slowly snapping her limbs. Then her neck next it was Ruby where she got shot in the head.

Qrow: What sick fuck, would do this.

Raven could not bear to watch, she put on her mask as tears began to flow down her cheek. Summer fainted. While Tai was still contemplating what has happend.

John: We also have a lead. On who may do these.

Qrow: Who, when I get my hands on Him.

John: The lead could be their ex.

Qrow: Ex?

John: (Y/N) (L/N), a student at beacon. They cheated on him so I think he wanted to get revenge.

Tai: They cheated on him? So he chose to kill them.

John: *Chuckles*

Tai: What's so funny.

John: Oh nothing. I just find this situation so familiar.

Tai: What do you mean?

John: I looked back in the school records. Mr Xiao Long, and it seems that you have the same story like this. It seems that your wife cheated on a "john kramer" with you. in the past.

The house was silent.

John: Like mother like daughter I presume.


Qrow was mad at john and used his sword.

John: My, my, mind my insolence. 

Qrow: Leave.

John: Wow, that's harsh.

Qrow: I don't even know you.

John: How cruel to not recognize your best friend.

Qrow: John?

John: Correct.

Tai: I thought you died.

Qrow: What.

Summer: John.

John: Welp, I've completed what I came here for. 

John got out from the couch, and walked out the door before he left he said.

John: You people should fell ashamed.

He close the door. After a few steps, Tai dashed out of the house.

John: What is it no-

Tai threw a punch into johns face. Causing him to fly across the field.

John: *cough* Damn *Cough* Cheap move. But I got a few moves as well. BRING IT OUT

A squad of whitefang came out with a coffin.

Tai: Huh.

John: Look inside.

Tai walked forward he peeked inside the coffin revealing ruby.

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