Either that, or we are simply like most beings who kill due to vengeful motives, despise, feeling threatened—whether it be themselves or for the lives or their cherished ones—or simply for entertainment. That, too, could be reasonable."

"Enough of my rambling now," Guinevere said, stroking Yui's smooth locks. "I'll remain here with you, so rest a little. Tonight is only going to get rougher for you."

Yui reflexively relaxed underneath her warm, gentle hand. Upon hearing the last statement, she parted her mouth to question when Guinevere unknowingly interrupted her.

"By the way, do you know why Subaru's awfully upset?" she asked, a hand on her chin as her brows somehow furrowed prettily. "I assume it was because I stopped him from feeding, but something tells me that there is another reason behind it..."

Yui giggled. "That's because you're very precious towards them. They were most likely livid when you went on your slumber, going crazy with every hour at not knowing when you'll wake up. I don't think they'd want to lose you again."

Guinevere looked at Yui in surprise. Her features then softened and she repeatedly petted Yui's head.

"Good, good," she said. "You are still fairly bright despite the loss of blood."

"Have the...other brothers killed their mothers as well?"

"No," Guinevere immediately replied, expression saddening. "Subaru's mother, she...took her own life. Reiji's mother was already deeply wounded when Reiji found her, and her last request was to have Reiji kill her himself—that complex declaration of love again. She probably didn't want any lingering regrets, and wanted her son to personally free her from that."

Yui heart sank with grief. "Who...who injured her? Did Reiji kill her himself?"

"I do not know. But I have a somewhat vague idea of who it was. And yes, Reiji did end her life."


"It was his mother's last request."

Yui sniffed. "A-and Christa also killed herself, right?"

"...Her insanity got the best of her."

"What about your mother?" Yui seemed reluctant. The information she currently received was no doubt personal, after all. She couldn't help but be sensitive with her choice of words.

At that moment, Guinevere suddenly looked like a child whose candy got stolen, who was on the verge of tears. Her expression suddenly steeled, turning cold. Yui looked at her stiff figure with puzzlement.

"I never expect to see you this early."

Both pairs of eyes landed on the man in black. His dull, red eyes were fixed on Guinevere.

"Wonderful," Guinevere chirped. Sarcasm dripped in her voice. "You exist."

"Now, is that a way to treat your uncle?" Richter chastised. "I can see where their manners comes from."

Guinevere glared. "Say that to me when you are not in neck-deep love with that woman, uncle."

Richter narrowed his eyes. "Well, you will get the pleasure of seeing that aunt whom you speak ill of very soon. Feel free to let the colourful mouth of yours loose then."

"Believe me, it will be an honour."

Yui was dripping in nervous sweat at the tension.

"Now, uncle, I suggest you leave this woman's room more politely than how you entered, please, otherwise—" Guinevere picked up the dagger from the bed, feigning a surprised expression. "—Oh, what's this? How peculiar. Wouldn't it be even more mind-blowing, though, if this blade is suddenly buried in your chest?"

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