"You left him behind?"

"We went back fer him, but when we got there he was already gone. Left nothing but a hand." Eevee shook her head slowly, the idea of taking off her own hand sounded impossibly stupid. But I guess if you're dying of exposure and think you have no choice then you'd be willing to do just about anything.

"He sounds like quite the bad influence."

"Probably, but Merle's blood." Eevee shrugged as her answer and the sound of boots through the grass caught their ears. Was it Lori asking for a favor again? Was it a walker? Daryl slid free and hovered over her, a hand by his hunting knife while the other he held in the air to silently say be quiet.

"Daryl? Eevee? You guys awake?" Rick. They both relaxed and the wild man stepped out first. "I need you both at the farmhouse. Please."

"For what?" The cop looked down at the petite woman as she exited the tent.

"It's hard to explain. Just please come with me." Leaning back into the tent, Eevee picked up her gun belt and boots with a sigh. As much as she wanted to be away from the others, she could tell Rick was exhausted and in need of them.

"Only if you promise to get some sleep today. You look like you're about to drop dead." Rick chuckled and dipped his head to surrender to her deal. "Good, you coming, alley cat?"

"Sure." He scooped up his crossbow and pulled on his boots before all three trekked back to the farmhouse. Before they could even reach the building Eevee knew whatever happened didn't meet with wanted outcomes.

"Where's Hershel?" She looked to Rick to see if he was gone. That would be the exact opposite of the reason he left.

"He's fine, it's the person we brought back that's got everyone in a frenzy."

"You brought someone here?" Daryl snarled at the cop, who nodded calmly back. "Why?" The rest of the group raced out to meet them, each demanding an explanation as to why there was a stranger on the farm.

"We couldn't just leave him to die. He couldn't even walk!" Eevee didn't care who he was or what he was doing in town, so she told Rick she was going to see if Hershel needed help operating on his leg.

"Hershel? Need a hand or anything?" The elderly man stepped out with bloodstained hands he was trying to clean off on a white towel.

"He should be alright for now. He's out, should be for a few hours."

"What happened to him?" They made their way back to the farmhouse.

"He tried to jump from one rooftop to another but missed and hit a gate. Went through just below the kneecap and luckily didn't break the bones in his leg neither. Just tore his muscles all to hell." Eevee nodded and opened the door for the farmer, who kindly tipped his head down in a silent thank you.

"...they left him for dead. No one is looking!" Rick's voice tumbled through the house as they stepped inside.

"We should still post a guard." The surprisingly calmer voice of Andrea followed his. They rounded the corner into the kitchen where everyone was gathered and all eyes shot to Hershel.

"He's out cold. Will be for hours." Shane rolls his eyes and pushed up from his leaning against the wall.

"You know what? I'm gonna go get him some flowers and candy!" Eevee glared sharply at him, making him visibly pause before scoffing at his fear of a girl almost a third his size. "Look at this folks, we back in fantasy land."

"Le seul qui vit un fantasme c'est toi." (The only one living a fantasy is you.) Shane had no clue what she said, but he could easily tell it wasn't anything sweet to say to him. He brushed passed her as Hershel whirled around to set him straight.

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