{Emotional Transference}

Start from the beginning

"Fair warning my hands might be cold." He shrugged and prepared for the chill. She rubbed her hands together and slid forward to push the head of his shirt up. Despite being ready for the cold, he still flinched away from the chill.

"Sorry. But your wounds are looking good." She lowered the shirt and leaned forward to check on the gunshot graze on his head. He flinched away from her touch, hissing at the pain that shot through his temple.

"Would you stop flinching? You're just going to hurt yourself further." He bit the inside of his lip and turned back towards her. As she leaned in to inspect his wound, he took time to inspect her closely. Her gaze was intense, her brow furrowed and he could see her teeth gently biting down on her bottom lip. Looking at her mouth from this close only served to bring up the kiss from last night.

He didn't know why he did that, it just happened. But damn, did he want to it again.

"You look like you're healing up quickly. That's good. You're probably due for more antibiotics and painkillers, though." Eevee started to sit back and move towards the tent opening, stopped when he gently gripped her wrist.

"Hey, about yesterday-"

"Emotional transference." He lifted his eyebrows in confusion. Emotional whatnow?

"And that is?" She bit her lip gently and looked down at the ground in thought.

"Most call it the suspension bridge effect. Happens a lot between trauma victims and first responders. The adrenaline and heightened emotions trick the mind into creating a false sense of attachment. You almost died and I'm a familiar face with medical experience." He bit his lip hard and tasted the iron of blood but nodded.

"Yeah, must be it. Emotional transference, you called it?" Eevee nodded and glanced off to the side. If that's what she says.

"I'll be back with some meds for you, yeah?" He dipped his head to acknowledge her voice and she was gone in a flash. He flopped down on his back with a sigh. This was his chance to take her term as his way out. To forget the whole incident ever happened and hopefully just go back to their odd form of friendship they had two days ago.

His roiling mind was halted momentarily by the return of Eevee with the medicines she said she'd bring back and a canteen of water. She dropped the pills in his hand and made sure he took them properly before whispering that she was going with the others for gun training and that she'd be back for his next dosing. He highly doubted she needed gun training, but he understood that she needed space for a bit.

"See you when I get back. Eat something while I'm gone too." His mouth lifted naturally into a smirk and he rolled his eyes at her as she left, catching the flash of her own smile. Eevee rode with Rick and Carl in the Cherokee out to the far edge of the property where they had bottles and cans lined up on a wooden fence. It was crude and rudimentary, but it'll work.

"Quick question before we start, Eevee." She slid from the car and looked at Rick over the hood once she closed the door behind the boy.

"Quick answer, maybe."

"How well do you shoot? I haven't seen you fire a single shot yet, so color me curious." She was expecting this question.

"I have a proven accuracy up to about 1200 meters." Rick nodded and pressed his lips together to make a line as he thought.

"You don't mind proving your skills, do you? I trust your word, but certainty means survival nowadays." She shrugged and pointed to the last bottle on the line furthest from her and him.

"See the bottle? Green, kinda curved, more than likely a Stella Artois beer bottle at the very end of the fence." He nodded and she drew her gun from the right side, checking the magazine and chamber as she spoke more.

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