Meaning of Life ➻ CH 18. Wedding Day

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Chapter Eighteen| Wedding Day

June 14 2020

Eirene watched and waved, as the crowds lining the streets had reached a fever pitch, the car carrying The Prince of Wales and Princess Eirene of Wales finally pulled around the corner and had slowed to a stop in front of St Paul Cathedral.

"Are you ready, Irene?" Charles asked his daughter.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Eirene answered her father.

The roar of the crowd that went up as Eirene stepped from the glass coach made her heart beat fast and brought a wide, delighted smile to her face. She stopped to wave at those waiting while her father stepped out the glass coach. His smile was warm and proud as he reached her, his arm extended to take hers, ready to take her to escort her into the cathedral.

Beatrice came out to help Eirene with her dress as Charles grabbed her train to help her up the steps.

"You look amazing." Beatrice said. Eugenie had gotten the bridesmaids and pageboys ready by the entrance.

"Thank you, Beatrice." Eirene said.

The Dean of St Paul smiled reassuringly at Eirene as she and her father made their way towards him. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Eugenie, stood watching with a huge smile, and beside her Louise, who hurried over to help Beatrice and began pulling her dress into shape as she came to a stop.

Eirene cast her eyes around the Cathedral, noticing guests watching her, noticing the flowers, noticing the bridesmaids and pageboys getting into place behind her.

The music was the first thing to hit her. The beautiful, nearly magical tune. While she breathed it in, her eyes scanned the cathedral, taking in the flowers, the candles, the people as Eirene and her father began walking down the aisle. A long the way she would notice a familiar face and smile at them.

It felt like an eternity for both Leati and Eirene, the next few minutes. Slowly, with every step careful and placed, they make their way down the aisle.

The music dragged on, and so did the walk. Everyone was watching her, smiling, adoring. She just wanted to get there, get to the aisle, so that she could see Leati, see his reaction, see him.

Finally, they passed through the archway and the surrounding faces became more familiar. Family and friends.

Leati smiled as he watched her walk her way to him. She was beautiful, he nearly felt himself about to shed a tear.

She finally reached him. Their eyes met.

He broke into an enormous smile, before his gaze moved, drifting down her unique dress, the tulle train that trailed down the aisle behind. Atop her head, her grandaunt's tiara glistened, and so did her eyes. She peered up at him, smiling delightedly at the awe in his eyes, through her veil.

"Beautiful." He said.

She ducked as her father gently removed the sheer fabric from her face, letting it fall down her back. Then she turned back to Leati; he was watching her, his eyes full of adoration.

The enormous organ began to play the intro to the first hymn, and her father handed Eirene an order of service just as Jonathan did the same to Leati.

Eirene looked up at Leati just as the congregation began to sing, and he glanced down at her, the two of them breaking into a smile.

Charles took his seat, he sat tall and straight and he reached over and took his wife's hand and wrapped it firmly up inside of his.

"I'm proud of you." Camilla whispered to her husband, as she knew how hard it was for him to give away his only daughter to marriage. To accept that she had grown up.

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