criminal affairs

44 7 2

"i think i'm in love with you."

"you don't really mean that."
"i truly do."
"you aren't thinking right, dan."
"no, i am. you are the only thing i've been thinking about since we first met. your stupid obsessions and quirks that are just too dorky and cute. your weird knowledge of almost everything. i'm so helplessly in love with you and i don't know if i'm okay with that."

phil slowly let dan escape from his loosened grip. his ocean blue eyes were practically flashing like alarms. his thin lips curled into a grin.

"i think i love you too."

"but. i don't want to lose my friend."
"we can be more than friends."

dan hooked his pinky finger with phil's before pulling him into another hug.

"i promise."

after almost half an hour of awkward hugging and small talk, phil decided to lighten the dull atmosphere.

"so are we a thing. like.. an item?"
"if you'd like to be."
"i would. it would be a pleasure to fall hopelessly in love with you."

dan stood up to head back to his house.

"that's most of our checklist gone already."
"numbers 3,7,8 and 9."
"i can't wait to complete it with you."

dan approached the door before giving a final wave of goodbye to which phil reciprocated.


the sunset was a dusty lavender. patterned with intricate detailing of multiple shades of blue. the moon was a white crescent and the stars were only beginning to peek through the colours.

phil sat at his window, hugging a plush panda and weaving a new flower crown. black tulips with small white willow compliments.

dan dreamily gazed at him from his own window.

"what's got you so happy, kitty boy?" "you."
"bold. very confident."
"love changes people."
"so you love me?"
"well I love you too."

dan tugged at the strings hanging from his hoodie that settled on his chest.

"you want to score off another mark?" "what were you planning?"
"my dad is an alcoholic, i could probably get us something."
"sweet. meet at the tree at 9."
"can't wait."

dan pulled his checkered curtains shut before rushing to the cellar. he carefully collected various unlabelled bottles. they obnoxiously blinked together, swishing the liquid contents up against the glass.

he decided to wear something subtle. a black tank, black jeans, a single silver chain and a red and white flannel.

sure enough phil was waiting where he'd promised, sitting with his legs folded on a grey floral fleecy blanket. he was wearing a white cropped shirt with patterned stars, lemon yellow shorts that were held in place by mismatched coral and mint suspenders.

he enthusiastically waved, holding a peach flowers crown and a black one; the one he'd crafted earlier.

"heya, boyfriend."
"i think i preferred kitty boy."
"so mean."

dan stuck out his tongue before sitting beside phil. phil shifted, placing the black flower crown on his boyfriends head.

"looks nice."
"you made it for me?"
"obviously. black is kinda your colour."

dan grinned stupidly, he fiddled with the metallic lid of a faded glass bottle he was holding.

phil picked up a nearby brown bottle, swirling the contents before taking a cautious swig.

he immediately choked and began laughing. dan giggled before crawling over to gently pat and rub his neighbour's back.

"you okay there starboy?"
"what is that?"

dan sniffed the bottle, the familiar pungent aroma like washing products filled his nostrils.

"vodka, i think."
"it tastes like nail polish remover!"
"how've you tasted nail polish remover?"

silence. then more laughter. dan switched phil's bottle for a fruit cider, which he much rather preferred.

dan was sipping a bottle half full of honey whiskey. the flavour was sweet and burned his chest, immediately warming his body.

phil flopped forward droopily. he hugged dan's thigh.

"kitty boy."
"yes, phil."
"i think you are drunk."
"yes! the stars told me."

dan sighed. after two bottles of cider, half a bottle of whiskey and a shot of vodka...

phil was drunk.

so dan had to hold up his end of the promise and plunge himself into a drunken state.


dan couldn't remember much from there but what he could remember, he'd never forget.

scattered empty bottles of alcohol paved the forest floor around the two boys. they were both groaning loudly. dan sat cross legged with phil lying with his head in dan's lap.

"i love you."
"i love you too."
"don't leave me."
"i won't. nothing can tear us apart."
"are you sure?"
"the stars told me."
"silly dan. stars can't talk."

"will you remember me?"
"always and forever."
"at least remember me by something." "my first love?"
"no. i was thinking something like this."

phil reached up, grabbing dan's neck and pulling his face to his own.

their lips collided in a flurry of passion and love. dan let his body go numb as he pulled phil closer to him.

it was messy.

very messy. but neither of them cared. they loved each other and could worry about their inexperience along with their aching hangovers in the morning.

phil pulled away and giggled like a toddler would at a new gift. his long eyelashes that dan swore has been coated in mascara fluttered slowly.

"star boy. that's what i'll be to you."

then darkness.

dan couldn't recall how he'd passed out.

or how much he'd drank after that.

or where phil went.

or when he'd been taken to the police station.

dear starboy: phan neighbour au✧Where stories live. Discover now