Chapter 3 - Quest for Spring

Start from the beginning

"I don't wanna be reasonable." Qrow tells her with a smile and she sighs.

" that's the way the wind blows?" She asks him as she caresses his cheek as well. She then looks right into his eyes, more like she is about to give an order as well. "Go help them train, then come back." She suggests and he sighs, he finally nods and steps away from her for a moment.

"I'll be right back." He promises, walking away from her. She smiles as she watches him leave, and he opens the door. He starts to walk down the steps with his sword attached to the rear end of his belt. He walks down and sees Taiyang sat in a chair with a collection of open books at his feet. But no Ruby or Yang there to be reading them, and his head is rested on his hand. The sound of his snores can be heard from the stairs. Qrow chuckles as he gets closer to Taiyang, opening the door. "Bless him, poor old Tai is fast asleep." Qrow chuckles when he looks at him. Qrow focuses on the books on the ground and he crouches down, looking at the books and he turns one of them to see the title.

The Grimm Bestiary – By Professor Peter Port

Qrow chuckles as he looks at it and he stands up. "He's had them reading through that old brick? No wonder they both took off." He chuckles, he walks towards the balcony and sets his hands down on the warm stone that it is made out of. The building is at a different section of Signal Academy. The rest of the students are off since it is the holidays, but Taiyang and Summer insisted that they should be able to have some fun learning this way. Since they are so determined to become Huntresses, they should be offered time to train. They did not argue, being able to train with their weapons is all they ever want to do. Qrow can hear the grunts of the two sisters – or cousins in truth – however their family ties make them still siblings to this day, even after the truth was unveiled. Little Ruby and Little Yang train on some holographic Grimm that they can challenge against. Ruby fights with Crescent Rose and Yang with Ember Celica, as they do to this day as well. Qrow smiles as he sees his daughter in action, using the same skills that he taught her with his own Scythe, the same with her mother. "Eager little thing." Qrow says as he observes her fighting skills.

Taiyang's snoring cuts for a second and he shudders, nearly hitting his head on the arm of the chair when he slips off his hand. "Huh? What?" Taiyang blurts as he looks around and tries to find the two girls he was teaching. Qrow laughs, turning and crossing his arms as he looks at Taiyang where he sits.

"Wakey, wakey Tai." Qrow says to him with a smile. "That brick of a book bore you to sleep again?" Qrow asks him, and Taiyang sighs, pressing his hand to his head with frustration.

"Damn it, I was getting them to look at the weaknesses in fighting Boarbatusks and Beowulves. Must have nodded off for a second." He says as he stands up and walks over to Qrow where he stands. He can already guess what the pair are doing right now as well. "Let me guess, challenging the Holograms again, right?" Taiyang guesses before he looks at what they are doing. He sees Ruby slash across the waist of a holographic Beowulf and he shakes his head. "How many times must we have to tell them? Never train without professionals there to assist. You only build on your mistakes." Taiyang recites from memory, so clearly they have had that conversation quite a few times. "Bring them both down to the courtyard, they want to practice? They'll get to practice." Taiyang says to him, bringing his inner teacher out at this moment. Qrow chuckles with his arms crossed, looking at Taiyang.

"Don't get mad at them, they're kids." Qrow says to him.

"That doesn't matter, if they refuse to do as they're told then they must be disciplined." Taiyang states, since he is a father as well as Qrow.

"You like that about both of them." Qrow says with a smirk and Taiyang smiles and nods with agreement.

"Alright, you got me there. But this has to stop." Taiyang says to him and he sighs, nodding. Qrow transforms into his Crow form and he flies towards the two girls as they fight the holographic creatures of Grimm. A Beowulf roars at Yang and she punches it in the head, she has her hair long now. Grown out of her pigtail hairstyle, now to the one she has been well known for. This is happening a year prior to the first time Yang ever met Kassius, after Taiyang saved him from Vytal when it was destroyed in the Grimm attack. When Kassius was found cut to ribbons and barely alive by that Grimm Terror Bird. Ruby leaps and slashes round in her spin attack she does, eviscerating a Grimm Beowulf and killing it instantly.

The Knights of Grimm - Act 3 - Shattered MemoryWhere stories live. Discover now