Chapter XIII: The Kidnap II

Start from the beginning

" God help me, I will kill you myself." God so help me if she steps foot out of this fucking room. If they step into this fucking room.

She looked up at me with an unreadable expression, and I found myself losing it in her eyes.

" If they so much as touch her. I will do much worse than just skinning those pigs alive." I snarled and I angrily reached into my pajama pants  pulling out my baby "Miranda"

I walked to the door and pressed my shoulder and head to the door, listening out for any noises. It was faint, and not recognizable but I could still hear something.

I took post on the side of the door, my gun by my side and my emotions running wild all in my head.

If they find her.

If they find her.

If they find her. I repeated in my head.

Somewhere down the end of the hall, I could hear a light tapping on the floor. My first thought being to hide Dante wouldn't execute itself well since there was no where to hide her. But what the hell was there to be done?

I could sense the tension filling the room and I glanced at her from my peripheral vision.

She stared at me like a deer caught in headlights.

" Calmati." I tried, and went back to listening out the door.

I brought the gun to my face and noticed that whoever was just in the hallway, was not there anymore.

I felt a smile spread across my face as my twisted emotions came rushing in. I couldn't help my excitement as I pulled the door open. Out the corner of my eye I looked at Dante who stared at me.

" Remember my promise. " I singed, walking completely out of the room and softly closing the door shut.

I pressed my forehead against the door and took in a deep breath.

" I only hope she obeys me and doesn't leave this room. "

I struggled to push my self off the door, but when I did I held my gun down by my side and silently tiptoed down the hall.

I scoped the upstairs first before I peeked my head over the banister. I listened out for anything and felt my anxiousness rise up to one hundred.

I just guessed we would end up playing the silent game.

Third Person

A sinister smile spread across Angel's face as he stealthily took a step down the stairs.

He had known all the loops to the pigs plans and found it hard to just sit back and not have fun with this. Those pussies blew up his home, took out half his men,and did all of this when his guard had been down.

Angel was going to return the favor, and kill these fucks without struggle.

His hunger for blood tripled when he had finally found what he was looking for.

When Angel was scoping the third hall that led to his kitchen, he had found one of the pigs going through the drawers.

Angel could stop and just think what exactly the pig expected to find. Angel had been smart and attached lethal weapons to the leg of every chair and table in his home. He found that the little pistol he did have couldn't satisfy his hunger to make the pigs suffer.

So as he began to creep up behind the pig, he ducked down under the chair and quietly grabbed the Uzi from the leg. The pig began to throw silverware onto the floor.

To Angel, it only seemed like the pigs were playing a game. Why was this fucking pig standing down here and reeking all of this havoc? Making so much damned noise like a fucking lunatic?

Angel perked. The gears in his head started to turn.

All of this shit was just to get his attention. Just to get his mind off of a certain someone.

Angel began to tremble uncontrollably with anger, he didn't need to think twice. He cocked the uzi and pulled back the hammer, with a firm finger Angel released the trigger.

Two rounds of bullets jolted the pigs body as if he were being electrocuted. Angel couldn't seem to let go of the trigger. Though the pig was dead already, Angel just needed something to vent his anger on.

This pig was the best option.

When he finally let up he could sense the presence of someone behind him. The pig behind him cocked his gun and Angel was first to react.

He swiftly spun on his heel and spent one round of bullets on the pig.

The pig fell to the floor twitching as he choked on his own blood. Angel stared down at the pig and snarled walking over toward him. He brought his bare foot to the pigs neck and lazily pointed the Uzi at the struggling pig. Angel couldn't find the excitement in killing the pig at the moment, so why not just put the damned man out of his misery.

And so he didn't shooting another round on the pig.

Angel had been upset. He couldn't fathom the thought of losing Dante. He wasn't going to have it.

If something had happened to Dante. If they had taken Dante. He could only think.

Angel raced out of the kitchen and down the stairs to the second level where Dantes room was. Without any thought Angel kicked in the door. His heart hurting from the emptiness of the room.

He glared at the sheets on the bed, and could see that the sheets had came off of the bed. This was evidence of struggle. This was evidence that Dante wasn't hiding.

She was taken.

Furious, Angel ran out of Dantes room.

He raced down the halls and the stairs where there stood three pigs dressed in all black and each of them holding a ak-47.

Angel didn't have time for this. For these pigs and there tedious behavior. So he did what he always did and was the first to act.

He cocked and pulled the hammer of the Uzi so quick that the pigs didn't have time to load their guns.

Pressing down onto the trigger, Angel shot three rounds. For the three pigs.

He watched as their bodies jerked and jolted from the shock of being shot. When Angel's anger was vented out he had let his finger loosen on the trigger.

He stared down at them with cold, violent eyes. Thinking about the many great numbers of pigs he would get to slaughter.

Yeah so if there are errors ignore them.

And how was Angels POV?


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