Markimoo: who's Connor?

Jackaboi: OML MY BOI CONNOR!!!!

QueenKay: ok. So Chal and I had a plan for my last bridesmaid

Michhail: ok! Who?

Coachala:'s a bit crazy 😬

CoolGuyCal: we don't mind it! We're all crazy 😊

QueenKay: It's gonna be Gia!

Lukey: Gia!? Ash's ex!?

BitchLasagna: *claps 3 times* week review!

Jackaboi: *jumps next to Felix in front of the camera*

Markimoo: *jumps in Jacksonville and Felix's arms*

BitchLasagna: We're gonna!

Jackaboi: have

Markimoo: Ashton Irwin's

BitchLasagna: ex to

Jackaboi: Kay Water's

Markimoo: Wedding and

BitchLasagna: She's also

Jackaboi: gonna be

Markimoo: one of

BitchLasagna: Kay's bridesmaids

Jackaboi: it's gonna

Markimoo: be very

BitchLasagna: awkward between

Jackaboi: Ashton and Gia

Markimoo: WEEK REVIEW!!!

Coachala: what the f**k?

Lukey: Jesus Cronkey you 3

Michhail: what the hell Luke?

QueenKay: who still says Cronkey?

MyBoiBryan: obviously Luke!

CoolGuyCal: you guys are crazy 😂

Coachala: that's my family for you!

Michhail: Are 5sos your family?

CoolGuyCal: yeah are we?

Lukey: 🐶 (puppy dog eyes)

Coachala: no one can resist Luke's puppy dog eyes

Lukey: *inserts picture of himself and the boys making puppy dog eyes*

Coachala: yeah haha no

QueenKay: so, we all know that Ash and Gia still love each other, deeply. So....why not make them get BACK together?

Michhail: Perfect idea!

MattyPatty: I love it! Though, if it goes wrong. We need a plan B!

Coachala: we already have a plan B!

Jackaboi: oh! What is it?

Coachala: you guys sure you wanna know? It's pretty lit 😎

Michhail: hell yeah!

CoolGuyCal: of course we do!

MyBoiBryan: I mean, since it's "lit"

Lukey: oof a lit plan. Let's go!

MattyPatty: mhm let's hear it!

BitchLasagna: Hell yeah! Let's hear this shit from the bottomless bits of hell!💅

QueenKay: what's with the painting nails emoji? 😂

BitchLasagna: cuz I'm fabulous. Let's hear this shaz!

Coachala: ok...plan B is really lit!
If it goes wrong...we motha f**kin run for it!

Michhail: oh! That plan IS lit!

CoolGuyCal: mhm! I love it!

BitchLasagna: it's almost as fabulous as me!

QueenKay: Yas! Love it!

Jackaboi: yeet! Let's do it!

Markimoo: let's stick with it!

Lukey: best plan B ever heard!

MyBoiBryan: Chal....what the f**k?

Oh man Lord! Merry Christmas Eve everyone! I love you all so much! Love the support from ya all! I'm thinking of having a Christmas Wedding? How about it? Having g the wedding be tomorrow? I think it's a pretty good idea. I don't know. If you guys want it, ya have it! If ya dont want it, I have to stick with Plan B then....motha f**kin run for it! Anyways I love you all!  Merry Christmas Eve!

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