Chapter 16:In Sickness And In Health

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Sarah POV

As Kevin was eating his meal my stomach began to turn. Brad was right, it wouldn't kill me it'd just make me sick. I didn't want to make a rush to get home, we just got here! I don't want to take any chances though. I can't tell him, I have to complete my task. I guess I'll say I don't feel well.

"Hey babe," I said trying to sound as sweet as I could before breaking the news to him.

"That's new," he said.

"Yeah, I guess it is," I replied trying to get to the point I was sick.

"What is it 'babe'?" He said mocking my voice in a funny way.

"I don't feel good, but is don't want to leave. And I really don't think I can drive. I'm sorry," I said apologetically.

"Oh it's fine," he said wiping his lips with the napkin and standing up. He placed his hand on my lower back to motion me out of the restaurant and to the entrance.

"I'm sorry but we have to leave, what's to cost of our meal?" He asked taking out his wallet.

"It's fine, I'll just pick it up, I have to leave to." The manager said with a smile.

"Aw, thanks!" Kevin said as he waved goodbye while speed walking out the door.

Kevin opens my door and then makes sure I'm buckled in and secure. He then gets to his drivers side and buckles himself in.

"Where would you like to go?" Kevin asked as he started the car.

"Back to my place if that's okay with you." I said with an apologetic smile.

"Alright, could you give me directions along the way?" He asked with his hands on the steering wheel this time.

"Yeah sure," I said.

It was a longer ride this time because I felt out of it. I felt dizzy and nautilus, like I couldn't move. I didn't want to make a scene, but I had to stretch someway that's it could relieve my pain. I put my hands on my forehead. That was pretty much all I could so.

"Hey are you alright?" He asked patting my back.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just need to lay down or-" my vision began to fade, I passed out in a head on my knees position.

Kevin POV

"Sarah? Sarah!?" I began to panic, I didn't know what to do. Calling 911 was an option by put is probably too extreme. Maybe once I get her laid down she'll be alright. Thank goodness she was done giving directions or I would've been lost. I pulled up to her apartment and carried/walked her into the building. People were looking at me silently, but it felt like they were accusing me of why she was in this state. I honestly didn't care, I just wanted to get her upstairs.

Once I took the elevator and then came to her apartment, it was unlocked. It was fine but a bit strange on LA. You'd think someone would break in. I came to a couch in her living room and laid her down. I checked her pulse, she's still alive. I'm a big freak out, but when it comes to someone I love, I care. Wait, did I just use the word love? I guess it's kind of true.

I left her for a few moments to retrieve a wet cloth for her forehead, I've seen it on TV too many times, maybe it works. Once I set the wet washcloth for her forehead I kissed her cheek praying she would wake up soon. After a few moments I heard footsteps, hen someone edge their way out of the doorway into my view.

"Finally you're back," Brad said as he casually walked into her apartment.

"Hey man, this isnt a good time. As you can see Sarah is unconscious, so if you would leave-"

"She'll be awake in a few minutes,it'll wear off." Brad said searching her fridge for a snack.

"Wait, so you did this?" I asked.

"Well of course I did. I thought I'd get you here first to finish you off and leave me to my wife, and Kirstie of course. Who says I can't have the best of both worlds?" He asked.

"Well Hannah Montana says you can, but look how she turned out." I replied trying to stay serious. He scolded me on that comment.

"She turned out pretty fine actually, with all of the money coming her way. So could you just leave for a few moments while I admire the look on Sarah's sleeping face while I can? Sometimes that's how I want to see her." He said as he made his way towards Sarah and I.

"Alright, I'll leave," I said. I have a plan, that's why I leaving.

I made my way out of my apartment with cell phone in hand. I texted the gang and told them the address of the apartment and the situation, then I called the police. I didn't know how this would turn out, but I never want to see his face again.


Hey, sorry it took me so long for his chapter. I just had summer, then school.👿 There's more on the way but there might be some long breaks again! But expect a great ending!!!! See y'all later!!!😆😆😆

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