Chapter 12:Summertime Sadness

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Scott POV

The doctors gave up trying to bring him back to life, just gave up.

"Why did you stop?!" I basically yelled.

"We can't do anything more. He's gone, I'm sorry," one of the nurses said.

I put my head on his chest to Atleast hear a heartbeat. Nothing. It's all my fault. Wait, was his lifeline moving?

"Hey his lifelines back on!" A doctor yelled.

"He's still unconscious though," a doctor said with a slight frown.

Happy tears began to roll down my face. I got on my knees and began to hug Mitch. Tears got on his shirt which made some of the blood smear. He is my everything. I couldn't ever stand to lose him.

Once we got to the hospital they asked me to stay in the waiting room until someone called me back. The reason was to set Mitch up with his IV and just even more nurse technical crap like that. I was just glad he was alive and slightly well. It wasn't long after they told me to go to the waiting room when they said could come in and visit him.

As I walked into the room I saw the doctors cleaned him up. All it looked like was he was still asleep. I sat there for a few hours just watching him and holding his hand. After a while I accidentally fell asleep so if you would've walked into the hospital room you would've seen me with my head on his chest while the rest of me was in a chair. It doesn't look comfortable but I don't care. I'm just glad to be with him.

I got a text from Avi, Kevin, and Kirstie asking where I was at.

Avi:Where are you man? Do you know where Mitch is? We were supposed to have a guys day and he never showed up.

Kirstie:Babe where are you!!!!!

Kevin:You've got me worried sick about Avi being worried sick about Kirstie being worried sick about you.Do you kind telling us where you're at?

Scott:Everyone just meet me at the hospital. I'm fine.

I was so glad Mitch was still alive, but once he woke up he would have to tell me what exactly happened. I decided to go back to sleep like I was. I know it was selfish of me to, but I was exhausted. Hospitals kind of do that to you.

"Uh, Mr. Hoying?" Asked a man in a deep voice.

"Uh, yeah, sorry, what?" I tried to look as if I had been awake, but the officer noticed I was asleep when he walked in.

"Hi, I'm officer Benson from the police department. And we have some news that you may want to hear."He said nervously.

"What is it about?" I asked scared that it would be about Mitch's drunk driving and he would have to go to jail or something like that.

"We had some tests done while Mitch was stabilized and it showed he was driving while intoxicated. And we also examined the car," he said with a frown.

"What about the car?" I asked nervously.

"Tests show that the breaks were tampered with. It wasn't exactly Mr. Grassi's fault that he crashed. The breaks wouldn't of worked a bit," the officer said.

"I think I know who did this," I said as I glanced at Mitch.

"Yeah me too, over at the police department, about everyone has been on your case with the suspect of Brad McCoy." He said.

"Is there anyway you could find him?"I asked as I folded my arms in anger.

"We're trying our best right now. We've searched his apartment and it looked like he packed up and left. We've tried everything. We'll keep looking though, don't worry. I hope your friend gets better," the officer said sincerely.

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