Chapter 9:My Baby Shot Me Down

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Kirstie POV

It was so dark in this car trunk, I couldn't see a thing. I had to stay calm or I couldn't concentrate. Luckily Brad wasn't smart enough to take away my phone, so of course I called the police! Some girls in movies call their friends first like, call the police right now! And why can't they just do it themselves lazy white girls.

"911 what is your emergency," said a woman at the other end of the line,

"Umm yes, I am in the back of a trunk right now. My ex pretty much stuffed me in here and I don't know what he'll do to me," I began.

"And what is your exes name?" Asked the woman.

"Brad, Brad McCoy," I said with my better hurry up voice.

"Alright, and where do you think you are right now, can you see any road signs," she asked. Seriously. I was in a trunk, does she think I can see anything?

"Well he said we were heading to his apartment so 365 Lorte Street.Apartment B 5." I said without hesitation. I swear the one pet peeve I had about Brad was he is the stupidest guy on earth. If you kidnap someone, better take their phone before they call the police for God sakes.

"Alright we'll have police there right away, and remember to stay calm," she said with her smooth voice. I could tell she was one of those people where she was too calm about everything, no matter what was happening.

I hope it would take a long time to get to Brad's apartment, I just needed to think about everything. Just Scott's fight, what would Brad do to me, what if I died tonight and regretted everything I said towards Scott. I just laid in the trunk, silently, and kept myself to my thoughts.

10 minutes later.....

We arrived at Brad's apartment where he had me last time. He dragged me upstairs basically by my hair which was extremely painful. I was still mad at Scott no matter where I was. As I was being dragged upstairs I noticed a fire alarm. I had my had out reached towards it until Brad stopped and jerked my hair upward and pinned me to the wall in the middle of the staircase.

"You know, I wouldn't do that if I were you," he said as he started to choke me. I was gasping for air and I would do anything to get his hand off of my throat. Finally he gave in though. Apparently he didn't want a passed out Kirstie on the stairs. He started dragging me upstairs again.

We got to his apartment and he pushed me onto the floor.

"You know the drill get the maid outfit on and be my maid that I deserved. No wonder no one wanted you, you're just a hopeless little-"

"FREEZE!" The police men yelled as they had their guns pointed at them. Brad had his hands behind his head because he had probably done this a few times. I was about to move when Brad then kicked the back of my head and I heard a gunshot.

Lights out, and back to the hospital.

At the hospital...

I was propped up in the same hospital bed as I was last time. Once the nurse realized I was about to open my eyes, she said...

"Back again I see Ms. Maldanado."

"Yeah," I began, "I guess this just isn't the greatest week for me." I said with a slight smile while I sipped my water through a straw.

"I like patients like you," the nurse said.

"Like what?" I asked as I really wondered what she meant by that.

"Just always keeping spirits high in the darkest of situations. I mean I haven't seen a patient like you who has gone through an incident like this and make a joke," she said as she filled out papers on the left of me.

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