Chapter 4:Wonder

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Mitch POV

We might have to cancel one of our Europe shows because we were supposed to leave by 8 am, and it's 12 pm.Kevin and I decided to go and look at her apartment while everyone else called people like her mom and dad, the police even.It was going to be a long day of searching.I hope our fans would understand.They probably would.I hope.

Once we got to her apartment, it was unlocked.That was really strange because ever since she broke up with Brad probably about a year ago she-she was kidnapped wasn't she, by Brad.

"Kevin, I think I know who did this."I said almost to a point of a yell.

"Who do you think would've done this?I mean everyone loves her!"Kevin said except this time as a yell because we were all nervous.

"Who do you think?"As I pointed to a picture of Brad on her wall in her bedroom.I wondered to myself, why would she still have that.She basically hated his guts and so did the rest of Pentatonix backed her up on that thought.

"But that's her ex, she hates him!Where do you think he would be by this time?He could be out of the country for all I know!"Kevin yelled nervously as to what might have happened to her.

"Hey, is that Brad's number?"I asked madly because of the fact she still had a part of him inside her apartment.

"Maybe she still did have feeling for him."Kevin said plainly.

"Yeah."I agreed as I stared at the picture of Brad.He seemed too perfect to be the one to do something wrong in a relationship.I mean his smile was too perfect and-what am I doing?He basically broke Kirstie's heart!Im not going to show any mercy for him once I find him.

We took the number thinking we could take it to the police station and have them track the number down to where he lived possibly.I hope we find Kirstie soon.God knows what's happening to her.

Kirstie POV

I needed some help right about now.I can't believe Brad had the nerves to rape me.Afterwards he beat me with his bat and made me basically his slave.He put me in a maid costume and made me serve him the basic 3 meals a day.It was my first day on the job, and as you all could probably tell I wasn't liking it.He was a crazy man.I thought he would have at least cleaned me up afterwards but he never did.

"Hey babe, get me a glass of wine."Brad said to me with a devilish smirk.

"Yes Brad."I replied as I was told to respond to him that way earlier.There were still tears rolling down my face because of all of the pain and torture he put me through.

"Hey what do you think about us, getting married?I think it sounds great."He said basically expecting me to say yes, but I would never say that.

"Umm, how about no.Because you're a stupid-"I was cut off as he grabbed the collar of my blouse and he started to strangle me which hurt.

"How about yes, I love you, it looks like you love me, so why not?"He said once again with a devilish smirk.

When would this torture be over?I hope Scott would come over soon to save me like superman did.He had those broad shoulders that always looked like were caring arms to fall into.He has always been caring even without the broad shoulders.I needed Pentatonix right now just by my side.They were my family, but I wanted Scott by my side more.

A Day Later

Kevin POV

"Hey Mitch, we got a call from the police about the address this Brad guy lived."I said nervously.

"Where is it?"Mitch said with anger on his face.I knew he was going to beat the guy to a pulp once he arrived.I mean who wouldn't?

"It's not far from here.I wrote it down.Oh, found it.Okay it says 365 Lorte Street.Apartment B 5."I said as I hoped nothing bad has happened to her and whoever captured her would show mercy.

"That's great!"Mitch said.

"Well I mean not great she's captured but great we have the address."Mitch corrected himself.I'm sure his mind is off his little cat right now.I don't know why he has that sort of fascination with cats.It's honestly a bit ugly.As Scott said, whatever one persons needs are, our each other's needs.

We then started to prepare for the trip to the apartment.We didn't know how to but we did our best.Mitch brought his pepper spray and I brought my bat.The last thing I wanted to do was kill someone, so we didn't bring any fatal weapons.We then prepared some waters and a first aid kit along with water and food.I didn't know of Kirstie was starving, dehydrated, or just beaten.I try to take care of everyone, but I know sometimes it's not possible.

After everything was prepared we took my car to the address.It was a nice place but so is the rest of Los Angeles.I could here faint screams and shadows what looked like fighting in an apartment which had blinds along with blood stains on it.That triggered every last nerve Mitch and I had so we started to sprint up towards the apartment.There was an elevator available, but we took the stairs.

Once we came to the right apartment there wasn't a key and the door was locked.There was so much adrenaline going through us I just broke down the door.I stopped once I saw the terrible scene of just...everything.

"Well, well,"Brad started talking,"look who showed up.The beat boxer and his side kick high notes."I saw Mitch's face become red.I never cared if he could sing higher than most men.I don't know why people think it's funny to make fun of talented people.Its probably because they're jealous and can't do what he can do.He was extremely talented.Probably more talented than anyone could ever be.

"Look what do you want with Kirstie?"I asked angrily.I was about to swing my bat at him but he answered quickly.So I had to listen.

"What I want with Kirstie, is for her to be with me.Right honey?"He said with the smirk which made me sick.

Kirstie was at the other side of the room with blood on her face and on the floor.There were tears of torture everywhere.She had her mouth duct taped shut, her hands tied behind her back, and her feet tied together.That was the last straw.I took out my bat, as soon as I raised it he pulled out a gun.Bang.I felt the bullet.Blood started to run quickly and I was afraid I wouldn't make it.The last thing I saw was Mitch pull out his pepper spray, and Kirstie attempting to yell for help.Then all went black.

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