Chapter 10:Making Things Up To You

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Kirstie POV

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and a note beside my bed. Avi was gone so it must be from him.



Goodmorning Beautiful. I'm headed off to get some Starbucks for breakfast because I can't cook, and I would burn everything because I'm a dragon and I breath fire. I hope you slept well and I hope you have a better day.




He is too sweet. I thought I'd start my day off right so I got up and got dressed for the day. And of course checked my twitter.


At Starbucks I saw some of my high school friends which I was really happy about because after all of these years we've grown apart. I thought I'd go over and say high to them.

"Oh my gosh hey guys," I said with a smile on my face.

"Guys, it's Avi," my friend Shawn said.

"Hey Avi!" The rest of the guys said in sinc.

"Hey, how've you been. And wow, it's been so long!" I said as I started to shake their hands and some of my close friends I greeted with hugs.

"Oh, we've been fine. Nothing interesting really. I heard you're bass in Pentatonix and you won the sing off and-"

"Yeah, yeah we did. I'm so glad I joined choir you know. Not just I but we as a group. I'm really glad I got to see you again. How long will you be in town?" I ask while just receiving my order of coffees. I got Kirstie and I both I've coffees along with four blueberry muffins.

"I totally agree. Joining choir I think changed our lives. We're actually on the sing off right now so that's why we're in town." Shawn said with a smile on his face.

"Well I wish you the best of luck!" I said as I patted his shoulder.

"Thanks," they said at different times.

"I better get going, I've got coffees to deliver," I said as I held up the bag and coffee holder with the two coffees.

"Alright well we should do this again," Shawn said.

"Yeah, we have a lot to catch up on, and maybe I'll see you again," I said as I was about to walk out the door.

"Yeah, we'll have to catch up. Here's my number," Shawn started to write it down on a napkin. Once he was done I picked it up.

"Well thanks, good luck guys!" I said as I was walking out the door.

"Thanks," they waved as I waved back.

As I was walking out to my car I got a text. I couldn't pick it up though because my hands were full, so I waited until I got to the car to answer it or atleast reply.


Scott:Hey man, we need to talk.

Avi:About what?

Scott:Just about my relationship with Kirst.

I felt my face get hot because I honestly thought she was mine now, I guess not.

Avi:Okay, what about.

Scott:When you see her, tell her to forget about our fight and to come to Lighthouse Restaurant.

Avi:I'll try but I can't promise anything.

Scott:Okay, thanks man, you're the best.

Avi:Don't remind me ;)


I really didn't want to give Kirstie back to him, after what he did. I wasn't going to let jealousy take over me though. I was going to do it for the best.

Kirstie POV

Once I was dressed I was checking my twitter when I came across a tweet from Scott.

Sometimes you've got to learn to forgive and forget. And for some people it's hard. I just want a second chance.


I felt my face turn red. I didn't really know what to think of it. Luckily Avi walked in and I had to turn off my phone. If I told him what would he think of it?

"Hey Avi, thanks for getting us breakfast," I said as I turned off my phone.

"Oh you're welcome. I'm glad I went I got to catch up with some of my high school buddies," he said as he sat the coffees down.

"How're they," I asked as I walked over and grabbed the coffee.

"They're good, they're actually here because they're on the Sing-Off," he said as he took a bite out of his muffin.

"That's awesome!" I said as I also took a bite of my muffin.

"Yeah. And I got a text from Scott," he said slowly. Probably so I wouldn't get mad or anything, but I wouldn't.

"Oh, okay," I replied.

"He says he wants a new start in the relationship and he wants you to meet him at the Lighthouse Restaurant." I choked on my coffee a little bit. I really wanted to give him a second chance, but I wasn't sure. I guess it's better now than never.

"Okay," I said plainly.

"What time?" I asked.

"I don't know, maybe even right now," he said.

"Okay," I began to get dressed into a nicer outfit. I mean it was a restaurant and a guy invited you. Anyone would change their outfit.

"Hey, good luck Kirst. Just remember no matter what happens I'll always be here for you," he said as I was walking out the door. I didn't really think to say bye to him. I was just so much into my thought about Scott that I didn't bother.

Once I arrived at the Lighthouse Restaurant, I saw Scott through the glass window, he was just sitting there. Not even on his phone. I started to walk up towards the door.

"Hello, how many today," she asked me. I didn't know what to say.

"Umm excuse me miss, she's with me," Scott said while standing up.

"Oh alright, let me get you your menus. I'll be right back," she said as she left us two alone. I decided to take my seat.

"So, why did you invite me here," I asked him.

"I wanted to begin again in our relationship. I made a huge mistake by even saying what I did, and I wanted you to forgive me. You are so beautiful and I shouldn't have treated you that way. You are so caring and perfect, and I shouldn't have said anything I did," he really did say this in his sincere voice. We started finally holding hands again which felt good. I had to choose now, Scott or Avi. I haven't talked to Scott for a while, but he has changed. In a nice way of course.

"Oh Scott," I said as I kissed him.

"I said I really wanted a new start in our relationship right? Well Kirstin Taylor Maldanado, you have been my best friend since high school and I've never regretted a second of it. You are the nicest, prettiest, most caring, generous, I would go on but it would take years to name everything I love about you. But what I'm really trying to ask you is..." he pulled out a box. He was really going to do it wasn't he.

"Will you marry me?"

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