Chapter 8:Should've Knocked

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Scott POV

I honestly never expected any of that to happen. Since I was half awake and Kirstie was still asleep I thought I'd make breakfast. I got dressed for the day wearing a tank top, basketball shorts, and a SnapBack almost like always and went to make breakfast. When I walked out the door Mitch was still out but he would probably be waking up anytime soon. I don't know how he even passed out with a party of three.

I started by making the scrambled eggs then the pancakes, while that set I poured the orange juice. If I wouldn't get Starbucks for Mitch this morning maybe he would except this. He has high standards. I saw him start to sit up.

"That party was awesome,"he said with a slur in his voice.

"Seriously, it was a party of three with popcorn and Game Of Thrones. How can you do this? As in still pass out when there was only us here?" I asked.

"I don't know, you guys just make me happy I guess. So whatever, so, where's my Starbucks?!" He asked with sass.

"I thought I could make breakfast," I said while flipping the pancakes.

"You never make breakfast, wait..."he started to walk to my room and opened the door and just stared at a sleeping Kirstie, then me.

"You didn't,"he said as he gave a grin.

"Didn't what?" I asked innocently like nothing happened.

"You know what never mind, I'm just going to eat." He said, and he silently walked away.

Mitch POV

I guess Scott had more feeling for Kirstie than for me. I was happy for him about that but I just wanted him all to myself. Some of you could probably relate to that. The rest of the day I've just kind of left my head low. I didn't really do anything the same that day as I did any day. First off I didn't get my Starbucks, I had to take my eyeliner off, and once I got into the shower I started to cry. Scott could probably hear my tears, but I didn't care, I was probably in there for hours just on the shower floor crying.

3 hours later...

I came out of the shower finally. I can't explain to you how annoyingly wrinkly every piece of skin was because I had water coming down on me for so long. I came out of the bathroom dressed and ready though. And Scott was waiting.

"Umm, hey, I heard you crying and I didn't know what was wrong," Scott said in that extremely attractive and caring voice of his.

I didn't answer him, I just went on to comb my hair or anything just to keep away from this conversation.

"Okay, just whenever you need to talk let me know," Scott said as he started to walk out.

I couldn't hold it in anymore, I just broke down crying and talking at the same time which wasn't the best decision. I sat down on the bed sobbing as Scott sat down beside me.

"I just d-didn't want you to hook up with Kirstie, I just w-wanted you all to myself," I said as I sobbed. I know it sounded selfish, but maybe Scott would understand.

Kirstie POV

I was so sore. What motivated me to get up the most was the eggs and pancakes I smelled cooking. I got dressed then went for breakfast, I never knew Scott could cook. There was one question though. Where was Scott? Or even Mitch? Wyatt was up eating his cat food not thinking anything about his owners. I sat alone and ate which still didn't feel safe, but the great taste of the food distracted me from he thought. I heard Mitch crying I thought, so I headed towards his room.

Scott POV

"Mitch, why didn't you just tell me, you know I would understand,"I said as I hugged him as he sobbed into my arms.

"I don't know, I was just scared that you wouldn't like me, or Pentatonix would never be the same or-"I cut him off like Kirstie did to me with a short and sweet kiss for Mitch.

"Do you feel better," I asked as I grinned.

"A little bit,"he said as he started to go for more than what I gave him. Except I spotted someone in the doorway, so I tried to push Mitch away, but he wouldn't move until he heard Kirstie.

Kirstie POV

As I started to walk towards the doorway I thought I'd knock first, but the door was already open. Once I stepped halfway into the doorway I saw Mitch and Scott. I was filled with rage. Apparently Scott saw me because he tried to back away from Mitch. I really didn't want history to repeat with what I had with Brad.

"What the heck, Scott!" I yelled as Mitch heard me so he backed away.

"Kirstie if you were here-" I cut him off, I wasn't going to deal with this. Not today.

"If I were here what? You wouldn't have told me you really loved Mitch instead of me? So nothing that happened last night meant anything to you?" I slightly yelled. I honestly didn't want to fight, but I was still going to hold my ground.

"Kirst, come on." He said as I was grabbing my purse and was about to walk out the door.

"Oh, so now you think it's cute to use nick names? Well guess what Scottie, we're done," I said madly as I walked out the door.

"I honestly didn't think we had anything anyway so, bye," he said from the other side of the closed door.

That was it, I just let it all out. I started sobbing as I walked down the hallway. I tried to stay quiet but I couldn't. I started texting Avi when someone put their hand around my mouth, and the other around my arms so I couldn't move. I started screaming and trying to fight back, but this person wouldn't give in. We took the stairs and once we got to what looked like his car he stuffed me into his trunk. I couldn't tell who it was, but the man said...

"Stay in here and shut up, or a lot worse will happen once we get to my apartment," I recognized the voice, and I should've stayed in Scott's apartment no matter what was going on.

It was Brad.

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