Chapter .22

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"So what do you have planned for today" I asked Luke
"well not much I have to go over to the rodeo" He said with a shrug of his shoulders.
I nodded my head, "wait so the other night at the banquet there was a girl, Erica?" I said
"yeah Erica" He said. "I've known her since we have been little"
"oh ok, I just was like who is this chick running up to you" I said with a chuckle.
"oooh were you jealous" He said wrapping his arms around me.
"no I was not" I said turning to face him, placing my hands on his chest.
"hmm seems like you are" he said joking. I leaned up and kissed him.
"your the only girl for me" he said breaking away to look into my eyes. "I'm beyond thankful for you in my life" he said.
"I love you, but if she tries something I will kill her" I said with a smile and gave him another quick kiss as he had to leave. I continued my barn chores here at the house.

"I wouldn't trust her" I looked behind me to see my little brother Jimmy in the doorway
"what" I asked
"that chick that Luke has been friends with, I wouldn't trust her if I was you" He said again
"wait how do you know about that" I asked
"It's not that big of a town and I go to public school with basically everyone in town, people talk, obviously they are going to talk about someone new to town. " He said very matter of fact
"Okay?" I said
"I will ask around more tomorrow" He said and walked away. I stood there confused as to what just happened.

I finished up my chores and walked back into the house to get some food.
"hi sweety" My mom said.
"Hey mom how are you" I asked.
"good but would you mind doing me a favor" She asked. I nodded my head.
"could you go to the hardware store and get me these things" she said handing me a list.
"uh yeah sure" I said grabbing a sweatshirt and putting my boots back on.

I drove into town and parked my truck at the hardware store. I walked in and saw Hannah at the register.
"hey" I said leaning against the counter.
"hey sis" she said
"so uh why did you say those things about Luke" I asked.
she looked confused for a second "oh my gosh no I didn't mean to like upset you I was just trying to protect you, I didn't want to see you get hurt" She explained.

"oh" I said taken aback
"it was just that I heard those things from customers talking, it seems like this place is the prime gossip spot"
"ok I was just double checking" I said
"no I'm sorry that I worried you" she said "I just want us to go back to being good friends"
"stop it, we are" I said.
She smiled. "good" I giggled.

The door opened and in walked the girl that Luke has been friends with since he was little, Erica.
She smiled at me.
"It's Katie right?" she asked.
"yes" I said, I glanced over at Hannah who had a devilish look in her eye then back to Erica.
"so are you new to town" she asked me.
"uh no I've lived here my whole life" I said.
"hmm" she said.
"Luke said that you just moved back" I said trying to make small talk.
"yeah speaking of have you seen Luke" she asked
"uh yeah why" I asked
"oh just thought I would catch up with him more, do you know where I could find him" she asked.
"Yeah, hes grocery shopping for Katie and himself" Hannah butted in.
Her eyes darted at me "well thank you" she said and walked out the door.

I looked at her confused, "he's not at the grocery store" I said to Hannah.
"no! That's one of the people that was talking about Luke the other day!" she yelled.
"wait what" I asked.
"she was here the other day, saying how since she is back in town Luke wont be with his girlfriend long!" She yelled again.
"keep it down ladies" yelled Mr. Mcginty the store owner
"sorry" we both said in unison.

"She's trying to take your man" Hannah quietly exclaimed.
"I knew I didn't like her" I said through my teeth.
"Alight Katie, stores closing" Mr. Mcginty said.
"wait I need to get these things for my mom" I said.
Mr. Mcginty sighed, "make it quick".
I ran down the aisle and grabbed everything that I needed.

I checked out and the three of us walked out of the hardware store.
"do you want to hang out" I asked Hannah
"yeah sure" she said. "do you want to get food or something" she asked.
"I was more thinking we could go back to my house for dinner" I said and we both laughed.
" that sounds like a plan to me" she said.

I walked into the house and the smell of dinner hit me.
"hi mom I'm home" I said "and I brought a guest"
"hi sweety" she said as she was cooking
"Will can you go set another place setting" she asked my little brother who got up and ran to go get another plate
My mom turned around and smile, "good to see you Hannah" she smiled.
"hi Ms. Carson" Hannah said.

Lilly ran up to me and hugged me. "hey little lady I haven't seen you in forever" I said as she giggled.
"I saw you this morning" She giggled.
" I know I was just kidding" I said poking her to make her giggle more.

"wait do you have a sister" Hannah asked.
" No this is actually Luke's little sister" I said.
Lilly ran off to go play with the boys.
"Luke is having some issues with his mom and so he's afraid that she will try to take Lilly, so for her safety she is living here" I said
Hannah nodded her head. "Oh ok" She said.

The door opened and closed, "who else are we expecting" I asked my mom.
I felt two arms snake around my waist and I smiled.
"hi babe" I said turning around.
"hi" he said giving me a kiss.

"The food smells great Ann" He said to my mom, walking over to the sink to wash his hands "what do you need help with" he asked. " oh also I hope you don't mind, I invited a friend over as well she said she didn't have anywhere for dinner tonight" he said to my mom, as Hannah and I walked into the living room.
"he really is a good guy" Hannah said
I nodded my head, " he really is, it's not him that I'm worried about though"

Lilly came over and sat on the couch with us.
"so who are you" she asked Hannah.
"I'm Hannah, Katie's friend." she said "we've met before"
Lilly gasped "I'm Katie's friend too" she said excitedly. While waiting for dinner, I heard a knock on the door, I got up and opened it up to see who it was.
I sighed seeing who it was, " hi Erica" I said in a monotone voice opening the door wider to let her in.
" oh this is your house" she asked confused. " I thought I was eating at Luke's house" she said.
" Welcome in" I said. Trying to be nice was going to be a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.

" oh my god I'm stuffed" I said leaning back from my plate.
" this was one of the best meals that I've had in a long time" Hannah said " thank you for the invite"
" any time Hannah, your always welcome" my mom said.
" yeah the dinner was good" Erica said. She looked over at Luke and smiled. I felt sick to my stomach, knowing that if I say something I risk the chance of Luke thinking that I'm a jealous girlfriend. But if I don't say something then I risk the chance of her breaking us up.
He slid his hand down to my knee giving it a squeeze and looked over at me. I smiled at him and gave him a kiss.
"oh my god get a room" Hannah joked with a big grin
" I can't wait for them to have babies" my mom said looking at Hannah and Erica with a huge smile.
I bursted out laughing "you are the first one telling me you're too young for grandkids" I stated in disbelief.
"well I've changed my mind" she said "realizing that you guys are going to get married and have the cutest kids ever, I'm now ready to be a grandma" she said placing her hands together. "they will call me G-wow" she nodded her head as if shes been thinking this over for a while.
I looked over at Erica who looked like she could bite my head off at any minute. She was fuming with anger.
"Well we all know I can't wait to marry this woman and her be the most amazing mother to my children" Luke chimed in. "we will talk about that name later Ann" Luke laughed at my moms remark.
Erica stood up at the table "well dinner was great I have to go back home" she said storming to the door. Luke sat there stunned and I got up and met her at the door.
"Erica is everything ok"  I asked catching up to her.
"you think your just so perfect" she said getting in my face, "just you wait" she said and stormed out of my house.

I walked back to the table where everyone was still sitting,
"is she ok" My mom asked
I shrugged my shoulders "all she said was that I think I'm perfect" I said and everyone looked confused.
"well on that note" Luke said turning to look over to my mom "my children are not calling you G-wow" he said
"too late Lilly's already been calling me that" she laughed. Luke put his hands to his face in disappointment.


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