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" so it that cutie Luke" asked Hannah
I nodded my head
" ooh this should be easy" she said under her breath. I glared at her.
" what" she asked
I shook my head " nothing"

The first event of the rodeo started. We watched countless guys get bucked off in the bronx division" and next up is Luke Collins" the announcer said over the loud speaker. Tons of people cheered and clapped for Luke. I smiled knowing he was going to do amazing.

Lilly stood up on the bleachers and cheered her brother on. She yelled and waved her little arms in the air. I smiled at her. Luke got into the shoot looked back at his sister then sat on the horse. He nodded and they opened the gate and the horse came bucking out with him. The clock counted down, big red numbers flashed on the screens. All he needed to do was to reach 10 seconds. It seemed like the clock couldn't go any slower. With each buck he held on I was losing my mind hoping he would get it. The buzzer buzzed and two other guys grabbed the horse, took off his girth, and grabbed Luke off the horse and onto the ground

The crowed roared. I stood up and cheered. Lilly bolted from her seat and ran to him, I quickly ran after her running towards Luke's stuff. Ahead of me she jumped onto his arms and hugged him. I smiled as I caught up to them.

" you guys are so cute together" I said
" so did I do good " he asked cocky
" good is an understatement, you did amazing" I said. He smiled showing his sparkling white teeth "you should hang out down here with me" he said looking at me. I don't ride again till bulls come up, I've got a better view than the bleachers" he said
"Where I can't even see what's happening" I said
He tapped on his shoulders "best seat in the house" he said smirking at me. I rolled my eyes at him. "Aren't you just the biggest flirt" I said. Making eyes at him. He slung an arm around me and pulled me closer to him.
" Yo Luke who you flirting with" asked one of the guys walking in to us. I blushed
" oh Alex this is Katie" Luke said
I looked at the bull rider and extended my hand
" so you dating Luke here" he said patting Luke on the shoulder
" no" I said shaking my head, "we are just friends" 
I giggled and looked at Luke. Who was faking hurt because I said 'just friends'
" just friends" Alex said leaning toward me
"Um no" Luke said grabbing Alex by the shoulder and glaring at him. Alex looked at me confused and put his hands up in defense "I'm just joking" he said and stepped back.
Another cowboy walked up "Katie this is Matt" Luke said introducing us. I shook his hand and said hello
"So aren't you special to be let into the prayer circle" he said looking off to Luke. He shrugged and looked over at me
"What's that supposed to mean" I asked Matt
"No one but cowboys get into the the circle" Matt stated very matter of fact.
"Ok ok we don't need to question everything" Luke said pushing Matt and Alex away from me. I giggled. He walked back over to me
"Don't mind them either. We don't get pretty girls down here often" he winked.
Lilly was sitting on the tack box with me. Luke leaned down and poked her right in the belly. She began to giggle and wiggle around. He picked her up and was pretending to throw her up in the air when his face changed and he looked over to the stands where someone was trying to get his attention.
" here take my little sister " he said handing me to Lilly. I trailed behind him. As we got closer to the stands I saw Hannah waving Luke over.

"Hey can I help you" he said walking up toward the stands.
" hey so do you ride bulls" Hannah said in her whiny voice that she thought was cute
" uh well your at a rodeo so what do you think" Luke said annoyed. She twirled her hair and Luke looked back at me"this is your friend right" he asked me. I nodded my head. "Does she not know how rodeos work" he stated right in front of her. Her jaw dropped I giggled and Hannah shot me a glare
" come on your almost up go get ready" I said pushing my foot against his butt. Luke smiled at me and started to walk away.
" hey Lilly can you uh get me back there" Hannah asked Lilly pointing to where we were standing.
" no" she said shaking her head
" uh little brat" Hannah said under her breath
All of a sudden Luke's head flipped around and he stormed back to where we were.
" what did you just call my little sister" he demanded
" uh uh" Hannah stuttered " uh a nice little girl" she lied.
Luke rolled his eyes " that's not what I heard" he said " Lilly and Katie lets go" he said in a stern voice and grabbed my hand to follow him. Lilly ran to a group of kids around her age.
I followed him into the locker room. He walked to his locker and pulled out his helmet and chest plate for riding bulls. "Why are you friends with her" he asked staring at me intensely
"Uh she used to be an amazing friend I don't know what's happened" I tried to explain
He shook his head and we walked back out of the locker room and towards his stuff in the inner circle.  We were silent as he walked around and gathered all his stuff.
" I'm sorry that she called your sister a brat" I said
He looked at me with his green eyes
" don't you ever apologize for Someone else's actions" he said and went back to unbuttoning his pants to change into a different pair. I could hear in his voice that he was scattered brained. He went to turn and I grabbed him by the shoulders and stood him in front of  me. 
" hey hey breath. You are all over the place right now ok. Just take a sec to breath. " I said
He took a deep breath and he nodded his head
I grabbed his pair of pants
" here" I said handing them to him
" thank you" he said and dropped his pants
He looked back at me. He caught me staring at him.
I couldn't help it. He had his shirt unbuttoned showing off hot nice abs and no pants.
He winked at me. Causing me to blush.
" see something you like" he asked
I just rolled my eyes

" hey Luke" I asked
He looked up at me
" would bull riding be a good thing to get my brother into" I asked
" well it is dangerous. But it does teach respect towards people and animals. But Katie it's just really dangerous and I don't know if your ready for all that" he said
I looked at him confused
" this sport has a lot of injuries in it" he said
" oh well i think that my brother needs something to release anger out in" I said
He nodded his head
" alright now you have to go get ready" I said handing him the tape to wrap his arm
He took the tape and his friend Alex came to help wrap his wrist

 But Katie it's just really dangerous and I don't know if your ready for all that" he saidI looked at him confused " this sport has a lot of injuries in it" he said " oh well i think that my brother needs something to release anger out in" I said ...

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They finished wrapping his wrist. Luke put his shirt back on and started to button it back up
I could see him struggling with the buttons
" here" I said starting to button his shirt
" you'd think cause I do this every weekend I'd find a better way to button my shirt." He said
I looked up at him
" is that how you button your shirt every weekend" I asked
He looked at me confused
"You struggle this much every time you get your wrist wrapped " I asked. 
He chucked and nodded his head

" Luke Collins is up next for the bull riding" the announcer announced again
Lilly hugged her brother then I took her up to the stands so go sit and watch. Luke loaded into the chute and sat down on the bull slowly. The bull stirred and slammed Luke around in the chute. Lilly climbed into my lap and covered her eyes.
" hey your brother will be fine" I said to her
She nodded her head and snuggled up to me. I could tell that she was getting tired.
The chute opened and Luke came out on the bucking bull
He needed to get 8 seconds. He got knocked back and forth back and forth. He held on to the bull so well you'd think he was glued on. 
The buzzer buzzed which meant that he got to 8 seconds
He jumped off the bull and ran to the side up the fence. The crowd roared and he waved to everyone
We slid back into the inner circle by Luke's stuff to meet him, he grabbed Lilly and gave her a bear hug.
"What a good night" he said as he carried his saddle to the truck and trailer.

He grabbed a juice box out of a cooler for Lilly " hey man you coming" one rodeo guys asked Luke " nah man I'm going to watch my sister tonight" Luke said and the man walked away

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He grabbed a juice box out of a cooler for Lilly
" hey man you coming" one rodeo guys asked Luke
" nah man I'm going to watch my sister tonight" Luke said and the man walked away.
" hey Luke I can watch her. Go have fun" I said
He shook his head "no I'm good"
" Luke go have fun" I said again
He looked at me to make sure I was serious
" go" I said the last time
" ok i will be back soon then" he said and walked away.

It was around 8 o'clock anyways and the rodeo had just ended. Me and Lilly decided to take a nap in Luke's truck.


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