Chap. 16

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I heard a knock on the door. I was on my laptop so I closed it then I got off my bed and opened the door. It was Luke, I smiled.
" hey let's go on a trail ride" he said.
"Ok" I said "any special reason why" I asked. I hadn't seen him since our date a week ago and I thought that we kinda fizzled out. I was surprised to see him.
He shrugged his shoulders, " I thought it would be nice to just hang out and what better way then to ride" He said. He walked into my room and went into my dresser.
"Here" he said throwing jeans at me "put these on" he said, he made intense eye contact with me while I slid my shorts off me pulled the jeans on. We walked into the barn and Smokey was standing there waiting all tacked up.

"Did you ride here" I asked.
" well I was taking care of the cows, and I thought of you so I decided to come steal you for a trail ride" He said. I smiled.
I walked into the barn and grabbed my horse and tacked him up. We then took off on the trails chatting along. We then hit a silent patch in our conversation. 
" hey uh katie" Luke said
" yeah" I said looking over at him
" so uh me and the guys have to go to Florida for the big event" he said
I looked at him and nodded my head
" would you uh being willing to watch Lilly for me? " he asked " I trust you the most with her" he said
" awe yeah I would love to" I said
" thank you so much" he said
" when do you leave" I asked
" tomorrow" he said
" oh wow, well I was going to say good luck, but I know that you will be amazing" I said " are you guys driving up" I asked
He nodded his head
" we should only be gone for about a week" he said. I nodded my head and we continued on the trail
Then I realized that my graduation is in a week. I felt almost disappointed that he wasn't going to be there. But then again I never asked him to come, nor did I even tell him about it.
We got back to the barn and we put the horses back. I said goodbye to Luke because he had to go to work, I pulled out my phone to check the time. I sighed as it was time for me to leave, I had one more make up class left, the teacher was sick one day so the whole class has to make up our final exam for the semester. I quickly changed out of the clothes I rode in and into something a little cuter for class

 I quickly changed out of the clothes I rode in and into something a little cuter for class

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I got into my truck and drove to the university. I parked the truck and started to head in to the lecture hall finding a seat. I pulled out my notes, I was early so I was going to review while waiting for everyone else to arrive.

" Alright pencils down" my teacher said, I felt good about this test, I didn't really struggled with any of the questions, hopefully I do well. I got out of my seat and grabbed my bag and test and walked down to hand it to my teacher. I then headed out the door and walked back to my truck. I got in and sighed, that was my last college exam. I drove to the rodeo because I had to ask when I was picking Lilly up.
I pulled into the gravel driveway and parked my truck. I walked up to Chip's office to see if Luke was in there. I opened up the door and said hi to Betty and walked into the office.
"Hey Chip" I said
" so how was the date" he asked.
" wow right to the point huh? " I said
" How was the date" He asked again.
" It was really good" I said.
" good" He said, he looked very happy at what I said.
" do you know where Luke is" I asked.
" he's in the ring currently" He said pointing out his window.

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