Chapter. 19

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I cuddle into him more. Loving the feeling of his naked body pressed up against mine. I reached down on the floor and picked up his tee shirt and put it on.
" wait where are you going" he asked.
" don't worry just to get a drink. I'll be right back up" I said sliding on my underwear.
" for round two" he wiggled his eyebrows at me
I giggled and walked down the steps into the kitchen. I flicked the light switch on and screamed seeing Luke's mother sitting at the kitchen table.
" how long have you been here" I asked startled.
" long enough honey" she said. Worried that she had heard the fun that Luke and I were having.
Luke came running down the steps in only his boxers, seeing that it was his mother he stopped next to me and rested his hand on my lower back.
" how did you get in here" he demanded.
" the garage was open" she said.
" mom you aren't welcome in this house any more" he said stepping in front of me. My eyes scanned his bare back. He was angry, you could see all his muscles tense up. After getting distracted by his muscles, I tuned back in to the conversation.
" this is my house" she yelled.
" actually no mom it isn't" he said.
" well I want to see Lilly" she yelled.
" mom you aren't welcome in this home, now don't make me call the police, I have a restraining order against you" he said through his teeth. I was shocked, when did he get a restraining order against her.
" I'm your mother" she yelled.
" well you have never acted like one. Please leave this house" he said again.
He walked over to the door and opened it up.
" it's all because of you. Your filling his head with lies" she said pointing at me.
"Don't fucking speak to her" he yelled at her and slammed the door as she walked through it, he quickly locked it and looked at me.
" everything she says is just to get under your skin" he said wrapping his arms around me.
" did you really get the house to yourself" I asked. He shook his head. 
" no but I did get the restraining order" he said and kissed me on my head.
I looked over at the clock. " we have to go to bed" I said. He nodded his head and picking me up carrying me bridal style back up to his room.
" uh did she hear us" he asked nervously.
" I believe so" I said scrunching up my face.
" well that's awkward" he said and started to kiss me. He climbed into bed and snuggled me as I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up with sun coming in through the window. I rolled over expecting Luke to be right next to me but he wasn't there. I crawled out of bed and walked down the steps smelling something cooking.
I smiled seeing him shirtless standing at the stove. I walked up behind him and hugged him. He turned around and smiled.
" good morning gorgeous" he said. " I'm making breakfast" he kissed me.
I smiled. " oooh I can't wait" I said. I sat down at the counter and watched him cook.I smiled happy that he was mine. He spun around and popped a pancake on my plate. I watched him as he made another and did a little dance to the music playing. He ran over and poured me a cup of coffee and handed it to me.
" your the best" I said.
" you know I got you" he said and walked over and kissed me on my forehead and sat next to me with his plate.
I put my fork down and completely shifted my body to look at him
he stopped chewing " what's wrong" he asked looking up at me.
" I love you" I said revealing my true feelings to him. I looked up at him to see he had the biggest smile on his face.
" I love you Katie Carson" he said. "I've loved you for a while." I smiled and kissed him." the first time I met you I fell in love with you" he said " I hadn't realized it at the time but.." he said looking up to me. I smiled and hugged him.

I went back to eating my pancake and we finished our breakfast .
" now how about we conserve some water" I said and bit my lip. His eyes lit up as I ran upstairs to his bathroom. I giggled as he chased after me.


Luke's POV

I walked her out to her truck. She got in and pouted
" I'm going to miss you" she said.
"I'll be over later tonight. I have to pick up Lilly anyways" I said
" ok fine" she said and gave me a quick peck " I love you, I'll see you later" she said
" I love you more" I said. She smiled and started up her truck
" I don't know if that's possible" she said and pulled out of the rodeo parking lot.

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