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It had been about a week since the incidents with Dale and Jeramy, and I was feeling much better, the whole ordeal really scared me and I needed a week just to decompress.
I was currently sitting on Luke's tack box watching him get ready to go ride the bulls.
He looked up at me and smiled I was obviously caught staring at him again.
" what" I asked.
"nothing" he said and went back to what he was doing. I rolled my eyes and smiled.
He handed me the tape to wrap his wrist. "oooh I get to do this now" I asked. He chuckled and smiled " your good at doing it" he said. I smiled again. Dang this boy could make me smile for hours.
"so what are we doing after this" I asked.
he shrugged his shoulders.
" you have a Lilly free night, you could do anything" I said
"I'm not sure, why do you have something in mind" he said with a wink. My cheeks went red, and I rolled my eyes at him.

" we will talk when you get done" I said "don't die" I smacked his butt. He looked back with wide eyes and I giggled. As he climbed up into the shoot.
I climbed up the fence to get a better look at Luke. They opened up the gate and he came bucking out. I watched as the clock counted down, my heart pounding in my chest as I watched, time moved so slowly, 8 seconds felt like hours. The buzzer buzzed and he hopped off. I cheered along with the rest of the crowd and waited for him to come back to me.
" how are you so good at this" I asked.
" oh come on I'm not that good" he said as I went to hug him, he wrapped his arm around my waist.
" shut up!" I said and slapped him on his shoulder. " Your amazing" I said. I was in complete awe, I have no clue how he makes it look so easy when all the other guys get bucked off.


Luke's POV

" do you want to go to the bar tonight" I asked Katie. We had no plans and I didn't know what else to do but I wanted to keep the night going.

"hmmm" she said with a smile "hell yes". I closed my tack trunk and locked it up in my trailer.
We started to walk to the bar walking side by side down the gravel path, I really enjoyed hanging out with Katie, everytime she comes to the rodeo I get really good times in all my events.

As we walked into the bar Katie grabbed my hand to make me walk faster.
"I'm going as fast as I can woman" I said she looked back at me and laughed,
"let's go party" she said and pulled me some more. We finally found Alex and Matt and took a seat at their table.
About an hour later I lost Katie in the crowd of people. I finally found her doing shots with these random people and she was standing on the bar.
" oh my gosh it's Luke" she said and bent down to touch my face with her hands.
" oh gosh you are drunk aren't you" I said. She smiled and then her eyes widened.
" whoa what's wrong" I said
" I have to pee" she said and looked down at me.
"okay okay I'll take you to the bathroom" I said and picked her up off the bar and took her to the bathrooms. I pointed her to the women's bathroom. I stood there waiting for her when she decided to go into the men's bathroom.
"No no Katie this is the men's  bathroom" I said as I followed her in to get her out. But she was already in a stall. I sighed and put a hand on my head. " we are going home after this" I said to her. I looked up to see all the shocked guys in there and I just shook my head.
" but I don't want to leave" she whined.
"We have to" I said. She came out of the stall with her brows furrowed. "come on we have to go home" I said to her as she washed her hands.
" finnee" she said with a sigh and we walked out of the bathroom. We said goodbye to Matt and Alex and we started to walk to my truck.  As we were  walking she started to skip.
" Look how good I am at skipping Luke" she yelled. I laughed.
She looked back at me while skipping, and tripped.  I ran to go get her.
" I scraped my knee" she said.
" When we get home I'll get you a band-aid, ok" I asked her

" Oh no I can't go home, my mom is going to kill me for being drunk" she said and laid down on the gravel walkway.
"no no, don't lay on the gravel" I said "don't worry you can stay at my place" she smiled and put her arms up.
I looked at her confused, " can you carry me" she asked and looked up to me with puppy dog eyes.
" yes I can" I said and picked her up, she put her arm around me and laid her head on my shoulder.
" Have you eaten anything tonight for dinner"
" no" she said sadly. " can we get some food" she asked as I was buckling her up in the truck.
" sure where do you want to go" I asked
she tapped her finger on her chin and then her eyes lit up, " mcdonalds" she yelled.
I smiled " ok mcdonalds it is"

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