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I hopped into my truck and started to drive home from school. My mom called and I quickly answered it.
"Hey honey" she said bummed.
"Hey mom what's up" I asked
"Oh nothing just got home from Jimmy's school. Someone got suspended again" she said annoyed "he got into another fight"
"What is going on with him" I asked
"Honestly I don't know and I have no idea how to get him to stop" she sounded so defeated
"I may have an idea mom" I said "I'll be over in a little bit" I said and hung up the phone.

I know my mom was having some attitude issues with my little brother jimmy but I didn't know he was fighting people at school. I'm thinking maybe Luke can talk some sense into him- man to man.


I walked into my brothers room. "Come on" I said as I stuffed some of his clothes into a bag
" Katie where are we going" he asked
" your coming with me. Let's go"
He rolled his eyes
" now I expect you to be on your best behavior" I said
" yeah yeah" he brushed me off
I sighed
We got into my truck and I pulled out onto the road. I pulled into Luke's driveway. My brother grabbed his bag and we walked up to the front door. I knocked and Lilly answered with her little bag in hand. She smiled at me and I picked her up and we walked inside.
I put her down and she ran to meet my brother.
" Lilly what is going on with your hair " I asked examining her head, It looked like it was a rats nest.
" oh brother did it" she said and made wide eyes
" Luke" I yelled upstairs
He came to the top of the steps without a shirt on and a towel wrapped around his waist, I bit my lip at the sight, it was quite hot.
" sorry I just got out of the shower I'll be down in a sec" he said looking at me with a smile.
" Lilly what did I tell you about opening  the door again" he sighed
She giggled. He winked at me then walked back to his room.
I picked Lily up and put her on my hip. " are you excited about tonight."

He walked down the steps is shorts and no shirt.
" Luke what did you do to your sisters hair" I asked motioning towards whatever was going on there.
" oh shush I tried" he said
I smiled " don't worry by the time she comes home she will have nails done and hair done." I said
He smirked and sat on the couch kicking his legs up on to the ottoman. I stood in front of the couch sheepishly " oh and so " I chuckled nervously" well I brought you my brother" I said pointing toward Jimmy "he's been suspended from school. He's having lot of behavior problems and my mom doesn't know what else to do" I said pacing back on forth in front of him
" well there goes my relaxing night before my ride" he said sarcastically
" I'm sorry I thought  like man to man" I said panicking that I pissed him off
"No really it's fine. I'll see if I can help"
" really! thank you " I said and rushed over to  hug him. He wrapped his arms around me and I melted. He broke apart and I blushed at him. Looking at the position we were in, I was sitting on top of him straddling him. He smiled and put his hands behind his head. I got off of him and stood back in front of him. "Uh I'm going to head out"I said awkwardly. He stood up towering over me.  I picked up his sister and started to head to the front door.
" thank you for the child. I will see you tomorrow.  What time should we be down" I asked
" well gates don't open till 5 but you can come in at 4:30 cause they all know Lilly" he said
I looked at her and she nodded " oh little miss popular" I said. She giggled.
" ok thanks Luke I will see you tomorrow" I said
I leaned Lilly  over so that she could kiss her brother goodbye
" bye Lil bro " I said and ruffed up his hair

We went out to my car and I put Lilly in the back seat. I got in and we made our way to the sorority house. I opened up the door to the house and all the girls rushed to Lilly and picked her up. She had a huge smile on her face Throughout the whole night Lilly had her hair done. Nails painted.  Makeup done.  Someone made her dinner. And now I am giving her a bath. I managed to get off all the makeup and all the hairspray out of her hair but I left the nail polish because she begged me to leave it on " Luke never does my nails like this. He's not very good at nails. Well anything girly." She said " he says it's hard being a single brother"  she said as she got into my bed.
" why is your brother a single brother" I asked
" well cause since daddy died and mommy has been upset and she left" she said very matter of fact. The way she explained it to me was almost like she thought I already knew and was just refreshing me on it
I nodded my head " what happened to dad" I asked
" he was bull riding and the way he hit it hurt his neck" she said while eating her ice cream
" awe I'm sorry" I said " well at least you have the best brother ever "
She nodded her head and smiled
" but when you want to date come to me cause you are going to have a hard time dating with and older brother" I said
She giggled and handed me her ice cream. I took the ice cream and put it on my side table. I put on my twinkle lights and snuggled into bed
" are you excited for tomorrow" I asked
" oh yes" she said " thank you for letting me do all girly things today "
" if you ever need a break from your brother just tell me and we can have a sleepover anytime " I said
She smiled and drifted off to sleep.

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