Chapter. 10

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Katie's POV

" so sweetheart I'm going to be at a meeting tomorrow in the city so I am going to go to a hotel tonight, I just really want to have a good night sleep" my mom said with a giggle.

"Ok I will look after the kids" I said.
"well.... both boys have sleepovers at friends houses so I'm dropping them off at their friends house on my way" my mom said.
" oh wow " I said

" no parties" she said winked. " and franny the cow is pregnant, she's not going to go into labor until next week the vet said, but please just check up on her see how she is doing and make sure she is eating, if you want give her some more grain" she said
" ok sounds good. Have a good night tonight." I said

She went back up stairs and started to get the boys ready for their sleep overs, while I went up and took a shower. After my shower I put on work out shorts and a tee shirt and wrapped my hair up in a towel.

" bye little bros" I said as they walked out the door to go to the car

" bye mamma love you, be safe" I said and kissed my mom on her cheek.
"Also if you have any issues, I have already talked to your nice friend Luke, so if you have any issues just call him" she said. " but keep it pg between you two, I'm not becoming a grandma I'm too young" she said while wagging her eyebrows.
"Oh my god mom! no we are just friends" I kissed her on the cheek and I shut the door and locked it. I then went to the living room and turned on netflix to watch the office.
I was three episodes in before I remembered to go check on franny the cow. I threw on muck boots and grabbed my rain jacket and a flashlight to go find the herd. I walked into the barn, the smell of a wet moist barn filled my nose, I grabbed a small bucket and put a few scoops of grain in it for Franny the cow.

I walked out of the barn and started to scan the field with the flashlight, until I finally found the herd in the back of the field. I then started to make the trek across the field to the herd of cows through the rain soaked grass. The smell of sweet damp grass due to the rain, I smiled, that's the smell that reminds me of summer.
I continued to walk through the tall grass until I heard a noise, I stopped and listened. I pointed the flashlight. I hear a moo that sounds painful.  I rushed over to see Franny laying down. she seems to be in labor and that there is a complication. I rush down to meet her and tried to help her as much as possible.  I went to get my phone out of my pocket but it wasn't there. Remembering that it was in the kitchen back at the house I quickly jumped up and full on sprinted to the house. I ran into the house and grabbed my phone and called Luke.

"please pick up please pick up" I said as I anxiously tapped my foot. " no no no" I said as it went to voicemail so I called again and again it went to voicemail. I decided that I was just going to run to his house. so I sprinted out the door, running down the barley lit dark street, which only made me run faster. I finally got to his home and I ran right into the house luckily it was unlocked. I ran into the house to the living room, I saw Lilly on the couch
" where's your brother" I asked her
"upstairs" she pointed up

I ran up the steps to his room and knocked on the door. no answer, so I walked in, no sign of Luke so I pushed my ear up to the bathroom doos, hearing water running I hesitated to knock on the bathroom door, realising that helping Franny was more important than awkwardness I opened up the door.

"Luke" I said bursting in the bathroom. He stared at me wide eyed as I slapped a hand over my eyes. It was too late though I already saw everything.
" Katie what the hell are you doing" he yelled
" franny the cow" I said in between breaths as I was still panting from running that much " she's in labor, something is wrong" I said

" ok give me a second" he said and turned off the water. I turned around and closed the bathroom door.  I quickly went downstairs and sat on the couch. anxiously shaking my leg till he got done, he then came quickly down the steps in just jeans and a belt with wet hair.

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