6"4 •Ball is Life

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Tina paced in her bedroom nibbling on her nails and contemplating if she should really go forward with her plans. She had waited all week and even took a day off from work but now that Saturday was here she felt as if she was making some kind of mistake.

She only paused to glance at Lucky,the black cat which was perched on her bed. He seemed dizzy from watching Tina pace the room.

"Ok." she whispered to herself. "I'm doing this."

A huge wave of inspiration swallowed her during the week and she decided that she would try to put her height to use. It's the least she could at least try to do.

Tina sieved through her top drawer to find the suit she had bought just for today. She quickly dragged it from the corner it hid when she felt the shiny material against her finger tips. She held up to sleeveless jersey shirt in the light as if it would look any different from the millions of times she had peeked at it.

"Here goes nothing." She thought aloud as if the cat would confirm her assumptions and tell her how dumb what she planned on doing was.

Changed and ready, Tina emptied her lungs with a slow,long and steady exhale. She stepped a few feet back and studied herself in the mirror. She look like she was on some mission. Most likely to embarrass herself but still a mission.

The top with a weird design of a basketball wrapped in flames was slapped on her chest and it was about two sizes up just like the matching shorts that barely clung to her hips. She looked more lanky than athletic. Definitely not the look she was going for but hey, things happen. Plus the sweatband she forced on her head didn't make things any better.

But none the less she was on her way out.
"Wish me luck!" she threw over her shoulder at the feline who had already fallen asleep.


Standing a few yards from the court Tina started to realizing that maybe she didn't think this through completely. She planned to stop by the court. But then what? Magically learn to play the sport she barely knew a thing about only from the YouTube videos she binge watched.

If anyone could see her she'd look quite odd peeping at the lone boy one the court dribbling and dunking as if there was no tomorrow. She had only learned those terms when she searched basketball on the Wikipedia how to section. One step at a time right?

The girl inhaled deeply and stepped from behind her shelter, the scent of new rubber from the ball under her arm slightly burned her nose.

"Hi!" she called out to the boy who was still clinging to the rim after sinking a hoop.

He threw a smile and answered before his feet returned to the ground.

Woah. Tina's jaw dropped when he stoop upright. The boy before her was a piece of art. Well, he was tall and that automatically made him a masterpiece in Tina's eyes. Even though he was only taller than her by about an inch or two he was a sight for her sore, sore eyes.

His eyes fell to the ball Tina was still clutching.
"You play?" he questioned looking quite impressed.

It took a while before she processed what he said because she was so busy observing the boy. "Uh, Yea!" Tina lied. " Ball is life."

He chuckled at her reply. " The last time I checked anybody who says ball is life definitely can't play ball."

She cleared her throat feeling a little embarrassed. "Yea you're right." she admitted. "I guess I just started to bend to society's stereotype. If thou art tall, thou shall play ball."

He laughed out loud revealing the prominent wrinkles at the corner of his eyes. "Jago." he greeted with an outstretched hand.

She quickly shook it. "Tina."

"I play for my school but I'm on active recovery. Had a sprain a while back but I'm getting better now. I still practice though just so I don't get rusty."

"Oh." Tina answered not really knowing what else to say.

Jago continued. " I'm here on Saturdays and sometimes Tuesdays. So if you want to I can teach you a thing or two."

Tina's ears immediately shot up. "Really!? That would be great!"

"We can uh, start now if you want?" he told her but it sounded more like a question.

Tina looked at the cute fellow and answered way to excitedly. "Yea of course!"


"I don't think I like basket ball any more." Tina groaned wiping away the hair that stuck her her neck. She felt like a raisin in the pelting sun.

Jago chuckled. "You just haven't grown onto it as yet."

She had been trying for what felt like hours to get simple techniques like how to hold the ball and position her legs. But her limbs felt like they were being controlled by a puppeteer... who was drunk.

Her mind involuntary went back to when she just couldn't get the stance right. Jago had stepped behind her and lightly place his hands on her hips. "Loosen up." he told her with his lips a few inches from her ear.

Loosen up? She felt like she was going to melt with all the attention she was getting. His eyes watched her every move and his ears perked at every word she said. Oh dear, she had to sit down.

"Not today Satan." she mumbled to herself.

"What was that?"

"Huh?" she stuttered. "Oh, I said I don't think sports is for me." she told him and she wasn't necessarily lying this time.

He nodded as if he understood. "That's alright. I get what you're saying." he finished chuckling most likely referring to Tina's horrible skills.

She could feel her cheeks burn red when she lightly bounced the ball so it hit him on his chest. " Hey!"

"It's okay but if you change your mind you know where to find me."

Tina quickly thanked him for his time even though he practically wasted it. She stood and dusted the tiny pieces of gravel stuck to her shorts.

She was about to bid him farewell when he handed her his phone. "Uhh, just Incase you can't find me."

Tina smiled internally at his lame excuse and punched in her number. "Sure."

"See you around?" he called out.

Tina's smile covered her face. "Definitely."


Thanks to every single person who has supported this book. I'm extremely grateful!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Remember to feel free to share your thoughts whether on the book or even the characters.

I'm curious so:
What's your favorite sport?

Until next time

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